Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Society vs Individuals

I got into this meta discussion with a couple of friends, and the fight was over WORDS, not the question.
And with effort, we refocused the question.

"Couldn’t some of these situations be

When asking about an individual .... people jump on you for victim blaming. But that was not your question.

as a SOCIETY, cant some of these be avoided?
As a SOCIETY, we have to ask this, and answer this.
OF COURSE, we need to teach men to not rape.
BUT until then, SOCIETY needs to be deal with this.

and we KNOW the answer now ....
look at that new foundation that was set up by these amazing women. to help everyone else ...

a) never, ever talk to the church, go to the police.
b) even if you are NOT going to report the crime today, get the rape kit done - NOW
c) never, ever talk to the school, got to the police
d) when the police do nothing, contact the DA
e) when the DA does nothing, contact the media.
f) when none of that works, youtube and facebook

and ... and this is the best ....
get a hidden body camera ...
have your phone facebook live streaming, even when it is "off" ...
and dont settle out of court
dont sign that bribe that gags you from telling your story
The silence, the bribes, the whispers ... they allowed these crimes to exist ... for all of history

alas .... this is what SOCIETY needs to do
those individuals? they have seen, over and over, that running and hiding is the only option.

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