Tuesday, January 30, 2018

changes in books

Have you reread a book, that you LOVED 30 years ago, but havent read since?? Don't. They rarely hold up.
Not like "that" book that you reread every year or so.

I am rereading "the martian chronicles" as an example.
I havent read it in over 25 years?!
Many things are different, my old eyes see the world differently, and that can be a good thing. But I would argue that this is the exception, not the norm.

It would be interesting to revisit this deeper.
list of "books that are now crap 30 years later"
list of "book that you didnt get 30 years ago and are amazing NOW"

I need to pretend to be working.

this is a memory refresh thing I bet books that we reread more often, for complex and deep memories combining are first reactions with all the rest ...

books that we only read once, will have faded somewhat, etc

So the martian chronicles, written by the much beloved ray bradbury. were written from '47 and published collected in '50.

Reading it today ... the gender role models alone, the being mad at the wife for worrying her head over silly things ... shudder.

I have a terrifying counter question:
We talk about changing "their minds". How to change the mind of trump voter.
But, we don't ask ourselves the same question:
Take your biggest, most import ideal; and honesty work to change your own mind.

What "ideals" have we so completely accepted, that they have become sacred cows, only to be later judged?

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