Monday, January 22, 2018

powerfully complex stories

it is a "theme" from two different, and insanely well written TV SHOWS ....
the first was Californication ....
Where she presented herself as an adult, fan of his book.
Given the current environment, when go both parties need to start doing background checks???

the second was Shameless
where he knew her age, but she ambushed him while he was on pain meds for a nail gun accident.
Can you be legally responsible when you can not consent?
this wasnt drunnk driving ... this wasnt getting smashed and doing stupid things .... he went home, took his meds, all proper (ish), and then she ambushed him. took video. to get him in trouble. (hell, I think they even have him saying stop and no)
Keep in mind, that I am not excusing, but ....

the show unpacks about 20 major themes in 40 minutes ...

one of the many themes, is the drunk dad ...
They are unapologetic about it. we are all aware that the whole "jsut quit" is never that easy for addicts.

FYI ... before there can be any "question here" ... in the show, she rapes him. Period. Any rational jury, seeing what we saw, would agree. She then posted the video, edited, jsut to get him in trouble. ....

her storyline is amazing ... that she was driven to this by her real dad .... judging .... powerful stories ...

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