Sunday, January 14, 2018


A long, complex discussion about date rate, drunk sex, one night stands, perfection.
Led to a question: How do we improve this?

Which led me down the path ... what have I done?

Long talks with parent friends.

Which led to, WHAT have I done in my life??

My niece called, KNOWING that I would provide sanctuary, not judgement.
I was the first person that she called after having sex for the first time.
Unprotected sex.
Me? Plan B - NOW
(There was my first reaction, which I apologized before having it. Made it short. Moved on and never revisited it.)

A friend was suicidal.
I spent HOURS on the phone.
When all else failed, I gave them two options:
I will come visit and be with them.
Come to chicago and escape.
NO ONE should die alone. Period.
(They lived with me for a time. They made it.)

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