Monday, January 22, 2018

Predator and Prey

there is a confluence here

How many times have we all heard: "ALL MEN ARE ASSHOLES!" or "Where are the good/nice men?"

We all agree that we need to do better. To train men differently and better. That women need to be empowered and use that power (no, walk away, call police, etc)
Most of this could be boiled down to "use your words" and "dont have drunk sex the first time".

Thought experiment one: We train men and women to use their words.
Him: "will we have sex tonight"
Her: "no" "yes" "maybe"
If he is looking for sex tonight, he would walk away from no and maybe.
(yes, all same people agree, that she can revoke the "yes")

So now, all the trained men, act appropriately. TADA
The predators.
Those men did not magically go away.
They hear "no" as a challenge to change her mind. "Maybe" as "I can win this." And "yes" as full speed ahead.  Training did not magically change society and genetics and history. (nature AND nurture)

But we all know from experience (whoops, what about people with no experience?) that when everyone that we date is "crazy" the common thread is ME. For a long time, I date the same time of women. I wanted to save them. To fix them. Yes, they were crazy, but so was I.
(replace crazy with any adjective, including, but no limited to: crazy, pushy, rapey, predator, etc)

Part of what is missing from the training and changing society, is what does Grace do?
What do all the people like Grace do? (pretty much everyone, except the predators)
Loveline nailed this decades ago. Stop dating. Get therapy.

Without doing this, Grace will have a long line of similar dates; just like she has a past of similar dates.  This is NOT judging her. But asking, if all your dates are the same, what is common? You.

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