Thursday, March 19, 2020

my job and recessions

This is the fourth time that I have been through a recession during my carrier and the answer is sort of still the same.
I have worked for companies that collect data, repackage it for manufacturers and retailers.

After the lengthy peacetime expansion of the 1980s, inflation began to increase and the Federal Reserve responded by raising interest rates from 1986 to 1989. This weakened but did not stop growth, but some combination of the subsequent 1990 oil price shock, the debt accumulation of the 1980s, and growing consumer pessimism combined with the weakened economy to produce a brief recession.

March 2001-Nov 2001
After the lengthy peacetime expansion of the 1980s, inflation began to increase and the Federal Reserve responded by raising interest rates from 1986 to 1989. This weakened but did not stop growth, but some combination of the subsequent 1990 oil price shock, the debt accumulation of the 1980s, and growing consumer pessimism combined with the weakened economy to produce a brief recession

The great Recession 2007/2008

And Trump's Depression 2020

The answer has always been the same. There is tightening, but manufacturers and retailers need the data even more.

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