Friday, March 13, 2020

33,000 to 330,000 dead - crude envelope calc

so ... unless we use even more DRACONIAN measures, like china, locking down EVERY city, well, the numbers are unbelievable

For example, we do not NEED to know anything, we can ESTIMATE, and have RANGES, from HOLY FUCKING SHIT, to meh, we got lucky.

For example, we can use the flu. 10% infection rate. 0.1% CFR (death rate).
So pretend that CV is EXACTLY as bad as the flu, not worse, not milder.

(forget about the over crowded hospitals focus on two numbers. and all the other nightmares)
33,000,000 will catch it. 33,000 will die.

BUT we KNOW that the estimated CFR is MUCH higher. We would be doing NOTHING if it was only 0.1%
So let's use a low number, 1% CFR - 10 times worse than the flu.
OUCH 330,000 dead. this would be insane.
3.4%, the official CFR estimate
1,000,000 dead.

SO we are reacting the way that we are, TRYING to slow and stop the spread, we COULD lower the infection rate. TADA

Fuck it, you get the picture.
Without draconian measures, we will have a lot of dead people. Or dodge YET ANOTHER health nightmare.
I AM SO GLAD that rich people got tax cuts, and you are STILL LOOKING FOR HER EMAILS.

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