Thursday, February 8, 2018

density of asteroid belt why not?
it is a fun question ... how many 1000s of years before it his ANYTHING ....

space is so empty ....

was going to compute the average density of the asteroid belt, but then I remembered that I am lazy ... heh

fun fact ... all the deep space probes went through the belt ..... zero collisions ....

volume is 2 to 4 time 10^17 KM^3 !!

avg density is from
0.00774 g/m3 to
0.01547 g/m3

fucking space is EMPTY

thicknessmax radiusmin radiusau in kmvolume max radvolume minVOLUME KMVOL
KG.04 moon KGg
mass of moon7.34E+222.94E+212.94E+24
G / m^3
volume = π r 2 h0.01547
The Asteroid Belt is located in an area of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. That places it between 2.2 and 3.2 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun. The belt is about 1 AU thick. The average distance between objects in the Asteroid Belt is quite large.

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