Wednesday, February 7, 2018

HOW did we get here? HOW did we pick our jobs??

I think EVERYTHING is weird. please dont start.

My latest ... obsession ... why does anyone do the job that they do?
Why do musicians play the EXACT same song, over and over and over and over and over? would KILL me with boredum
Why do stage actors do the same play for days and years on end? AHHHHHH
Dental Hygienist ? HOW>?>> HOW does that happen???
I love mine. she is AWESOME (if you are looking for a local dentist in the downtown area ... heh)
Barber - why is she cutting my hair? how did she get there? what did the path look like?
(previous one was a music groupie and had been on the tour bus with marilyn manson - which is COOL, but still ...)
Massage Therapist - ok this one ... makes more sense ... the whole primate grooming thing .. but still ...
Bartender - this one is obvious I think
Mechanic - these make sense - loves cars and how things work ... etc

Even in the less strange fields, HOW???
How did they pick to be a lawyer, vs a doctor, vs etc
My great friend Michael, was a lit teacher in madison, a shop mechanic(?) on the south side, a dad, went to law school, was a prosecutor!! then defense attorney ... none of that makes sense to me .... all awesome ... but HOW??

wait, I have a physics degree, but have been working in marketing research since the moment I left college ...
HOW ????

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