Monday, February 12, 2018

Benefit of Doubt

Benefit of doubt. Why and when do you grant it?
That guy at my office who got ARRESTED AND CHARGED?
WE legally/corporately gave him the benefit of the doubt.
IF he were found innocent, we would have been rightfully sued for defamation.

SPacey had an accuser. Spacey immediately admitted wrong doing. Zero doubt. We moved on. (Netflix canned him as is their right)

Cosby? He had the benefit of doubt ... until the 40th woman accused him. He is on trial (still?) in one case. 
We no longer doubt those 40 women. 
(The odds that all 40 are lying is zero ... you could bet your life that the great majority are truthful. Period.)
(Cosby is suing all of them for defamation, right?? Nope)

Weinstein - god knows what the final number will be.
Notice that his LAWYER IS DENYING IT. Not him.
Notice that he is not SUING ALL OF THEM for defamation.
Why not? He has millions to prove that they are all lying. Right? CLEAR HIS NAME!!! 
Oh right, discovery ... all those NDAs that they signed for their bribe to be quiet ... all become PUBLIC.
Whoops ....

Trump said tht he was going to sue all his attackers ...
... strange ... nothing happened .... other than that one taking hush money and disappearing ....

But these people .... nope .... we really cant believe ANYTHING that they say. Nothing.
When you lie 100% of the time, why would we believe you?

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