Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Fixing inainsaity on desktop

Deleted some other CRAP that MS installed and it works now ...
Also uninstalled VPN ... so that might have been fucking with me

Deleted window.old
Using proper path
Fucking hate that this shit is hidden etc etc etc
Trusted installer 

Network still does not work

Trying rebooting shoon

This may be completely unrelated as it wasn't Symantec AntiVirus on the machine in question, but I came across a PC where there were no Network Connections listed.  The solution was to run the following three commands then reboot.

regsvr32 netshell.dll
regsvr32 netcfgx.dll
regsvr32 netman.dll

I had the same issue with my Dell Mini 9, and the order to fix things was this:

- Reinstalled all wireless/wired drivers from Dell
- Reset my Winsock using netsh:
- Reinstalled Winsock/Winsock2 using these instructions from MS:;en-us;817571
- Ran the 3 DLL register commands from the first post.
- Ran Winsock XP Fix for good measure:
- Rebooted Windows
- Pinged Google with success.

Good luck!

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