Wednesday, February 7, 2018

How pete's brain works

Suzan Cibulskis - READY ???
There is a meme comparing Vanessa Williams to Milania Trump.
Which brought memories of her "disgrace" to the forefront. 
Which happened while we were in college and scooping ice cream.
Which I remember talking to Mike about.
He was so surprised to find that I thought she was stunning.
I pointed out the Michelle Douglas, who I Was dating at the time, was half black.
Which shocked and entertained him, he had met her, but she could pass when she wanted to. 😉
Which led to my remembering ...
Mike asked me once about YOU.
He was ... worried that it was HIM ...
He felt that you had trouble understanding him, when he spoke.  
I laughed, cause I had no trouble understanding him at all.

We really worked with some great people there. Danny. All of them. And so many strange and interesting customers. 
Coffee chocolate chip shake with colored sprinkles girl!! 
Jim pint of vanilla chocolate almond guy.

Patricia Thurman Frank - HEY!!!
What was mike's last name? GIANT BLACK football player? Was it Mack?? Do you remember? HAH

Why do I think he was a GIANT? Right football. Heh

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