Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Have you SEEN Shameless?
(Netflix/showtime version - not the Brit version)
IT is a HARD show to watch. But 100% chance of going to hell for laughing in the WRONG PLACES.

Their treatment of:
Being poor
Being homeless
Children growing up in that environment
Mental illness, esp bipolar
Despair ... #JesusWept
FAITH (not religion, not god) - just the belief that you will make it until tomorrow
School !!!!! (This one triggers me the most ... poor kid going to rich college .... you are not prepared!!!)
Gay and Lesbian
(The reaction in the bar when this one guy came out was so fucking hilariously PERFECT - "so what?" The "idea" that these dirt poor chicago trash could care less in this day and age. Hahahah - might not be "TRUE" but ....)
And 100 other issues ...
I have never seen writing this consistent, this raw, this ... "perfect"??

No pabulum.
Fuck I need a nap

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