Tuesday, April 23, 2019

the veil of ignorance

Ed Martin - the POINT that most people ignore, through ignorance or selective blindness is JUSTICE.

Rawls goes on and on and on about this in a theory of justice.

The "veil of ignorance" is a method of determining the morality of issues. It asks a decision-maker to make a choice about a social or moral issue, and assumes that they have enough information to know the consequences of their possible decisions for everyone but would not know, or would not take into account, which person he or she is. The theory contends that not knowing one's ultimate position in society would lead to the creation of a just system, as the decision-maker would not want to make decisions which benefit a certain group at the expense of another, because the decision-maker could theoretically end up in either group.

NOW, pretend that YOU ARE AT THE BOTTOM, living on the street,
Create a system that is just, for everyone.

OUR current legal system is the opposite of a justice system:
MONEY = get of jail free,
POOR = life in prison, with zero hope of escape.
(check this box if you are a felon, so we wont hire you)

IF you have nothing, you MUST steal to feed yourself.
EVERYONE does this. And yet wee punish them for this.

TO BE "FAIR", one consequence of "poverty" level, is that our society ACCEPTS that people at this level ... need something. food stamps, housing, vouchers for whatevers.
Universal BASIC income would be a different variant of this.
UNIVERSAL BASIC healthcare would be another.

Pick the top 10 countries in the world that YOU WOULD LIVE and WORK today.
Pick the bottom 10 countries.

Tell me what differentiates them.
HOW they treat the people at the bottom.
By definition how "christian" they are, taking care of the least amongst us.


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