Thursday, April 4, 2019

Do the Right Thing

Thank you.
Thank You for this wonderful topic to contemplate over my breakfast.
Thank You for making me think about Do The Right Thing.
Thank You for making me think about all of my friends who abhor violence, safe in their privilege. 

The answer is clear.
Do both.
Do everything in between.
But accept that both answers are needed.
Both answers are morally acceptable and REQUIRED.

Don’t quote Gandhi. He might have been “peaceful”, but was surrounded by violence on all sides.
Don’t quote Jesus. He was violent. If you deny this, go back and read the new testimant until you admit that I am right.
Don’t condemn anyone’s actions, without checking YOUR privilege.

WHAT would YOU do if it was your son or daughter that was in the process of being lynched?
They have the rope around his neck, how peaceful are you?
Thoughts and prayers? Wait for the judge and jury?

You have not walked in their shoes, you do not get to judge.

Do the Right Thing

Lol nope.  Not a sad thing. But the right amount of ANGER and rage and woke and peace and hope and everything.
of the quiet religious left (thanks pete buttgiges)
Of violence and hate does solve anything left.
Tired of people pretending that their priv does exist.

And while I get that people need to take a break,

I think that I am morally required to not rest.

Do the Right Thing

I am reminded of Jon stewards segment on this. “If you think this horrible, imagine having to live it every day” (paraphrased)
It isn’t even close to eating me alive, and my family and friends are forced to live it every day.  I have a LONG WAY before it is eating me alive.
Sandra Bland
Trayvon Martin
Laquan McDonald
Tamar Rice

And those are just the names that are burned into my soul.

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