Saturday, April 13, 2019

family history and DNA

Pete thought of the day - WITH a large enough DNA POOL, and enough research, will future humans need "FAMILY HISTORY" as part of their medical records??
How much of my "FAMILY HISTORY" is writ large in my DNA?

was reading a different article on how big 23 and me's database is .... it is fucking HUGE ...

TBH, we will be seeing MORE of this, not less, and I am OK WITH THIS.

Things to expect in the NEAR FUTURE:
1) companies offering to sequence your DNA for close to free, in order to have access to the DNA
2) more and more genetic testing for treatments
3) we might be in the EARLY DAYS, but quickly will become the golden days of combining genetics with treatments ...
4) privacy is an NON sequitur - I clicked the box, KNOWING that this would happen. You dont like it, dont click.
5) AND my DNA will be helping you and everyone else. The larger the pool, the more help.

TOSS in that this data is being used to catch serial killers and rapists?
TOSS in that some kids are able to find their birth parents, if for NO OTHER reason, that getting access to accurate family histories.

IF we can drive enough genetic based information, do you need family history ever again??

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