Tuesday, April 23, 2019

education in 20 years

of course BUT ...
I can walk on the sidewalks for FREE.
public parks and libraries and schools and ERs and police and firemen and EMTS and prisons and courts ...

... so yah
SOCIETY has decided to PAY for MANY THINGS (by collective gathering of resources) to help make SOCIETY a better place to live.

We are MUCH better off as a society when our children are educated. College used to be ONLY available to the elite, then "everyone" and now in some ways, many are priced out of the market again.

a) PUBLIC universities used to be effectively free. I went to UoI, lived at home, finished with zero debt. (but that was a million years ago)
b) so maybe PUBLIC universities sliding scale .... and community college free to any and all.

BUT .... SHE is wrong because it horse-cart vs cart-horse.
MAKE ALL college debt forgivable in bankruptcy, and make it retroactive. TADA

THIS will allow people who made dumb choices to escape. Just like EVERY OTHER DEBT.
THIS will also force the banks to evaluate the loan from a cost benefit analysis, unlike the CASH COW that it is today.

(blah blah, millions of unintended consequences)

MEH ... ALL OF THIS ignores .... online education. Which is HERE TODAY.

20 years from now, going away to college will be the exception.
Certainly will be able to take MANY of the courses from home, etc etc etc.

HELL, will people still NEED education in 20 years?

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