Wednesday, April 24, 2019

self driving cars - again

I have recently been a top of the line SUV.
And the COOL STUFF is FUCKING AMAZING ... the video screen for parking is seriously the best thing ever. (Think what you have already seen and then upgrade 5 times.)

And the auto-pacing while driving on the highway is pretty cool. It is the next obvious step from cruise control.

And the WARNINGS when you are doing stupid shit is nice.
And when THEY are doing stupid shit is nice.
The learning curve will be "setting" it to where you are happy and not yelling at the car the whole time.

We already KNOW what they next gens will look like. Self driving, you in the "back seat" watching tv, eat, <blank>ing, sleeping, working.
Everything BUT driving and paying attention.

HELL, at what point do cars KNOW which cars and vehicles around them are self-driving versus DANGEROUS and make extra allowances.


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