Saturday, April 13, 2019

second thoughts on dem primaries

second thoughts on dem primaries

part one
SO in one of my more recent rants, I repeated the "primary system is so broken and so stupid".
As an afterthought, I realized, "whoops, electoral college".
THe first primaries should be on the SAME DAY.
And should be the battleground states. All of them.
(easy enough to fix the NH/IOWA bull shit problem. Make the law in the battleground states be "one day before NH and IOWA)
#1 FUCK IOWA and NH - they are NOT representative of how we are going to win. period.
#2 we want/need candidates that are going to WIN the swing states.
We also needed another RULE CHANGE:
Winner of the nomination is presidential candidate.
Runner up is VP candidate.
Incentive for MANY candidates to STAY IN THE RACE.
added to list of things that might be logical, and we will never do them

part two
yes no sort of maybe and almost anything would be better than what we do now ...  

1) MIGHT reduce some of the bullshit internal attacks
2) would help generate candidates working towards second place
3) would help build up candidates for future elections, something that we fail at
4) giving candidates INCENTIVES to not drop out so early should be a GOOD THING ....

cons - harder to generate this "list", we havent had a lot of close races to work with ....
1) "theory" that you put this guy in VP slot to win that ONE or two states .... Al Gore or Johnson would be the exemplars, but ...
I would argue that we are LONG PAST those days.
2) we have had some shitty VP slots .....

2008 Obama Clinton
(looks at the map)
Yup, it was a dead tie, WE the voters like BOTH, a LOT.
Putting them on the ticket together would have combined the excitement.
HARD to say "I hate that HE won and she is OUT", when she is on the ticket

2016 Clinton Sanders
(looks at map)
Yup, very similar, and with very interesting possibilities.

part 37

My Real Worry ... is ...
That we get a divisive winner, who puts in a "who is that" VP and we get nowhere.

I am guessing that Hillary was offered the spot in 2008 and took SoS instead.
I ... havent heard if Sanders was offered the spot in 2016.
(quick google, looks like no)
BUT ... IF he had ... and he had accepted ... how might things have been different?
TWO excited groups would still be excited. 
CLEARLY his accepting would have stated

they didnt change the rules, they wont change the rules
but IF WE GET crushed again ( ;-) ), we should rethink the damn rules, because we clearly have learned nothing.

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