Tuesday, March 27, 2018

what is the common thread

there is a ..... thing ....

when I was doing therapy ... one question was "why are all the women that I was dating crazy?" ...
the answer is trivial ... what is the COMMON THREAD? ME
I was the problem, not the women. TADA. Stopped dating crazy. (this is NOT a slam on crazy people. but no point in dating people who have NOT worked on their insanity in therapy. STOP TRYING TO FIX THEM!!!!)

so yah .... think about all the women who work in the trump administration .... surrounded by abusers.
yup ... they are serial victims ....

Trump blamed HOPE HICK for the porter scandal. LOL
Porter abuses everyone he dates/marries.
Everyone who dates/marries him is abused/and was abused in their past.

Look at Sanders .... she REEKS of abuse victim

(once again, NOT victim blaming here - but if EVERYONE YOU DATE abuses you, the common thread is YOU. stop dating until you fix it)

OH RIGHT .... GOP dont believe in therapy ... nevermind

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