Saturday, March 10, 2018

scientists are just as bad as everyone else when changing their minds

only true in THEORY ....
ask all the scientists who are beholden to .... terrible theories, spent their lives DEFENDING those theories. and we wont be allowed the new ones, until they are all dead.

scientists cling to old crap, as bad as everyone else

FUCKING EINSTEIN himself refused to accept the uncertainty principle.

dont get me started on "the naked ape" .... EVERY MAMMAL on the plains in africa has FUR!! EVERY SINGLE ONE.
but humans walked out onto the plains and LOST their fur??
In what theory does that work??? cheatahs and lions have FUR!!!

and then there is the absurd, theory of scent. you know. the one that does not PREDICT anything. the POWER of science and theories, is that you can PREDICT things.

Newton could not explain the orbit of mercury. einstein's general relativity did. BETTER predictions.

so yah sagan was great, but just as wrong.

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