Sunday, March 11, 2018

2020 - we already lost.

The narcissism of small differences (German: der Narzissmus der kleinen Differenzen) is the thesis that it is precisely communities with adjoining territories and close relationships that engage in constant feuds and mutual ridicule because of hypersensitivity to details of differentiation.

My belief, is that in 2016, as much as any other factors, this allowed trump to win.

The GOP has actively been supporting their differing groups as part of the team. (tea party/fundamentalists/regular gops/deficit is great/tax cuts forever/total war all the times.
After the primaries were over, they pulled together for THE TEAM.

The DEMS, not even close.

I heard over and over from what should have team members pilling together: "Hillary and Trump are two of a kind.", "There is no lesser of two evils, they are both super evil."

Worst, they are all white priv, or oh look, got sucked into the russian propaganda.

We have already lost the 2020 election.
There has been zero movement to bury our differences, and work together.

Intragroup conflict (or infighting) refers to conflict between two or more members of the same group or team.[1] In recent years, intragroup conflict has received a large amount of attention in conflict and group dynamics literature.[2] This increase in interest in studying intragroup conflict may be a natural corollary of the ubiquitous use of work groups and work teams across all levels of organizations, including decision-making task forces, project groups, or production teams.[3]

Jehn[4] identified two main types of intragroup conflict: task conflict and relationship (or emotional) conflict (e.g., differences in personal values).
I wonder how many "I HATE KILLERY" democrats (or any voters) had taken the isidewith dot com position test.
The idea that YOUR IDEAL candidate is the only choice is hubris and a lot of white privilege.

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