Tuesday, March 27, 2018

my comment that started this - why people were watching 60 minutes
She makes adult films. Why should she be ashamed? 
Trump has lied multiple times and she stood up for the truth.

The reason that people watched was to determine if we she believe anything that she says.

She came across as articulate and cogent.

Notice also, that she is being sued for breach of contract, not defamation of character.

Trump's lawyer's "contribution" was illegal, and the coverup is illegal.
Remember when Clinton lied about getting a BJ and how big of a crime that that was???

This is 100 times worse.

Unless your goal is to shame the woman for having a job.

fuck you, there is no such thing as ADDICTED TO PORN made me do crimes 
 Peter, with all due respect, I wonder what standard did you use to say that this is 100 times worst. And also, not because it is a job does not mean it can be something to be proud of. It's a shameful kind of job, because it strips the human being of their dignity as a person....not to mention the destruction that it has on the people, children, families, and the society as a whole. Remember Elizabeth Smart, she said in a 2016 Interview, that pornography made her life a living hell...it encourages violence against innocent children, and most serial killers who raped, and murdered have addiction to pornography and this hampered their human self-control, the animal, unrestrained carnal desires ruled over the reason and their ability to act as humans, and not as animals. Anyway, thank you for the conversation. I appreciate the response even if we don't' agree. Peace! Have pleasant evening or morning. Thank you.

my quick replya "100 times worse" is both hyperbole and "back of the envelope calculation" - AKA - not an absolute proven number. but in the ball park.

stipping, porn, prostitution is not a shameful job. it is a job.
Shame is a religious thing.
IF PORN caused any crime at all, the crime rate in the US would be close you 9001% higher. Everyone you know masterbates, and all of the men use porn. FYI - when YOU ask them, they will lie to YOU. Get over it.

let's play a tiny thought experiment:
IF prostitution was legalized nationwide. TOMORROW.
what would change?
a) sex workers would be able to report crimes to the police. safely.
b) pimps would be out of jobs
c) the number of prostitutes would stay roughly the same
d) and nothing else would change

making it legal, would your significant other go to a sex worker??
would you "allow" it? no. no couple in a closed relationship would. the legality doesnt change that.

UNLess you are OK with telling women what to do. right?
sex work
dancing (ALL dancing is exotic, long past time to BAN ballet!!)
doctors? women should CLEARLY be only nurses, right? (and this used to be the law)
Lawyers? same thing
politicians? same thing
Voting? I think it is SHAMEFUL that women are allowed to vote. They should not be seen in public.

so go ahead, explain how YOU get to decide which jobs are OK FOR WOMEN.

Hint: the only thing that happens by making these things illegal, is the creation of black markets. nothing else.

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