Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Hell on earth

Satire - this article made me cry.
I felt that it perfectly nailed my indirect experience with chronic pain. 

"You dont have insurance? Get a job"
I cant stand, the pain is so bad.
"They are faking it"
IF they are faking it, they are the best actor of ALL TIME.
"Have they tried exercise?"
I have watched them ride an exercise bike, headphones turned to 11, trying to grind out the pain.
"Well there are programs"
Programs? To kick addictions, yes. She is not an addict, she is dying.
"Well they give you meds for that"
She doesnt have insurance.
Doesnt cover her illness.
"Well what does she have?"
Stage 4 endometriosis
"I have that sometimes, it isnt that bad'
So you are a doctor now? Imagine having that everyday. Not once a month. 
Imagine it everyday. Now toss in ovarian cysts.
Imagine it having spread to your abdominal cavity and lungs.
"No such thing"
That's what her surgeon said.
So she coughed up menstrual blood on their desk. Oh, and then removed two softball sized endo-tumors from her lungs.
"No such thing"
"What about charity"
Right, so people should have to BEG for their lives?
"Did she try prayer?"
FUCK YOU ... you dont think that people in unending pain, dont pray everyday, for the pain to stop. Just for one minute. Just for one hour.
"What about her family?"
"What about her friends?"
For the love all the that is right and holy ... why do you HATE strangers so much that you wish them hell on earth??

"Have you tried mindfulnesses?"
That's when I punch them in the face. 
You dont need a doctor - just be mindful.

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