Friday, March 30, 2018
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
old census forms etc
SO ...
I looked on the actual census forms.
There are copies of all of them ....
And .... the question was:
1950 yes
1960 NO
1970 yes
1980 short form - NO
1980 long form - yes
1990 yes
2000 short form - NO
2000 long form - YES
2010 NO
and the question boiled down to
are you a citizen
or NO not a citizen ...
data here
what is the common thread
there is a ..... thing ....
when I was doing therapy ... one question was "why are all the women that I was dating crazy?" ...
the answer is trivial ... what is the COMMON THREAD? ME
I was the problem, not the women. TADA. Stopped dating crazy. (this is NOT a slam on crazy people. but no point in dating people who have NOT worked on their insanity in therapy. STOP TRYING TO FIX THEM!!!!)
so yah .... think about all the women who work in the trump administration .... surrounded by abusers.
yup ... they are serial victims ....
Trump blamed HOPE HICK for the porter scandal. LOL
Porter abuses everyone he dates/marries.
Everyone who dates/marries him is abused/and was abused in their past.
Look at Sanders .... she REEKS of abuse victim
(once again, NOT victim blaming here - but if EVERYONE YOU DATE abuses you, the common thread is YOU. stop dating until you fix it)
OH RIGHT .... GOP dont believe in therapy ... nevermind
yoga pants
Ed Martin
I saw a woman walking TOWARDS ME, wearing these, from about a block away.
I did about 20 to 200 double takes. (esp since the color was darker, esp at the groin)
take 1 - she's nude?
take 2 - cant be
take 3 - she's nude?
take 4 - cant be
take 5 - she's nude?
take 6 - cant be
take 7 - wait what muscles flayed?? OUCH
repeat until I passed her
and yes, I HAD to turn around to look at her butt muscles ...
my comment that started this - why people were watching 60 minutes
She makes adult films. Why should she be ashamed?
Trump has lied multiple times and she stood up for the truth.
The reason that people watched was to determine if we she believe anything that she says.
She came across as articulate and cogent.
Notice also, that she is being sued for breach of contract, not defamation of character.
Trump's lawyer's "contribution" was illegal, and the coverup is illegal.
Remember when Clinton lied about getting a BJ and how big of a crime that that was???
This is 100 times worse.
Unless your goal is to shame the woman for having a job.
fuck you, there is no such thing as ADDICTED TO PORN made me do crimes
Peter, with all due respect, I wonder what standard did you use to say that this is 100 times worst. And also, not because it is a job does not mean it can be something to be proud of. It's a shameful kind of job, because it strips the human being of their dignity as a person....not to mention the destruction that it has on the people, children, families, and the society as a whole. Remember Elizabeth Smart, she said in a 2016 Interview, that pornography made her life a living encourages violence against innocent children, and most serial killers who raped, and murdered have addiction to pornography and this hampered their human self-control, the animal, unrestrained carnal desires ruled over the reason and their ability to act as humans, and not as animals. Anyway, thank you for the conversation. I appreciate the response even if we don't' agree. Peace! Have pleasant evening or morning. Thank you.
my quick replya "100 times worse" is both hyperbole and "back of the envelope calculation" - AKA - not an absolute proven number. but in the ball park.
stipping, porn, prostitution is not a shameful job. it is a job.
Shame is a religious thing.
IF PORN caused any crime at all, the crime rate in the US would be close you 9001% higher. Everyone you know masterbates, and all of the men use porn. FYI - when YOU ask them, they will lie to YOU. Get over it.
let's play a tiny thought experiment:
IF prostitution was legalized nationwide. TOMORROW.
what would change?
a) sex workers would be able to report crimes to the police. safely.
b) pimps would be out of jobs
c) the number of prostitutes would stay roughly the same
d) and nothing else would change
making it legal, would your significant other go to a sex worker??
would you "allow" it? no. no couple in a closed relationship would. the legality doesnt change that.
UNLess you are OK with telling women what to do. right?
sex work
dancing (ALL dancing is exotic, long past time to BAN ballet!!)
doctors? women should CLEARLY be only nurses, right? (and this used to be the law)
Lawyers? same thing
politicians? same thing
Voting? I think it is SHAMEFUL that women are allowed to vote. They should not be seen in public.
so go ahead, explain how YOU get to decide which jobs are OK FOR WOMEN.
Hint: the only thing that happens by making these things illegal, is the creation of black markets. nothing else.
She makes adult films. Why should she be ashamed?
Trump has lied multiple times and she stood up for the truth.
The reason that people watched was to determine if we she believe anything that she says.
She came across as articulate and cogent.
Notice also, that she is being sued for breach of contract, not defamation of character.
Trump's lawyer's "contribution" was illegal, and the coverup is illegal.
Remember when Clinton lied about getting a BJ and how big of a crime that that was???
This is 100 times worse.
Unless your goal is to shame the woman for having a job.
fuck you, there is no such thing as ADDICTED TO PORN made me do crimes
Peter, with all due respect, I wonder what standard did you use to say that this is 100 times worst. And also, not because it is a job does not mean it can be something to be proud of. It's a shameful kind of job, because it strips the human being of their dignity as a person....not to mention the destruction that it has on the people, children, families, and the society as a whole. Remember Elizabeth Smart, she said in a 2016 Interview, that pornography made her life a living encourages violence against innocent children, and most serial killers who raped, and murdered have addiction to pornography and this hampered their human self-control, the animal, unrestrained carnal desires ruled over the reason and their ability to act as humans, and not as animals. Anyway, thank you for the conversation. I appreciate the response even if we don't' agree. Peace! Have pleasant evening or morning. Thank you.
my quick replya "100 times worse" is both hyperbole and "back of the envelope calculation" - AKA - not an absolute proven number. but in the ball park.
stipping, porn, prostitution is not a shameful job. it is a job.
Shame is a religious thing.
IF PORN caused any crime at all, the crime rate in the US would be close you 9001% higher. Everyone you know masterbates, and all of the men use porn. FYI - when YOU ask them, they will lie to YOU. Get over it.
let's play a tiny thought experiment:
IF prostitution was legalized nationwide. TOMORROW.
what would change?
a) sex workers would be able to report crimes to the police. safely.
b) pimps would be out of jobs
c) the number of prostitutes would stay roughly the same
d) and nothing else would change
making it legal, would your significant other go to a sex worker??
would you "allow" it? no. no couple in a closed relationship would. the legality doesnt change that.
UNLess you are OK with telling women what to do. right?
sex work
dancing (ALL dancing is exotic, long past time to BAN ballet!!)
doctors? women should CLEARLY be only nurses, right? (and this used to be the law)
Lawyers? same thing
politicians? same thing
Voting? I think it is SHAMEFUL that women are allowed to vote. They should not be seen in public.
so go ahead, explain how YOU get to decide which jobs are OK FOR WOMEN.
Hint: the only thing that happens by making these things illegal, is the creation of black markets. nothing else.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
school rankings
for tuition at private schools etc
for tuition at private schools etc
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
wonton cups
Friday, March 16, 2018
things I wont work with
Thursday, March 15, 2018
reinstall windows 10 FOR THE WIN
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Hell on earth
Satire - this article made me cry.
I felt that it perfectly nailed my indirect experience with chronic pain.
"You dont have insurance? Get a job"
I cant stand, the pain is so bad.
"They are faking it"
IF they are faking it, they are the best actor of ALL TIME.
"Have they tried exercise?"
I have watched them ride an exercise bike, headphones turned to 11, trying to grind out the pain.
"Well there are programs"
Programs? To kick addictions, yes. She is not an addict, she is dying.
"Well they give you meds for that"
She doesnt have insurance.
Doesnt cover her illness.
"Well what does she have?"
Stage 4 endometriosis
"I have that sometimes, it isnt that bad'
So you are a doctor now? Imagine having that everyday. Not once a month.
Imagine it everyday. Now toss in ovarian cysts.
Imagine it having spread to your abdominal cavity and lungs.
"No such thing"
That's what her surgeon said.
So she coughed up menstrual blood on their desk. Oh, and then removed two softball sized endo-tumors from her lungs.
"No such thing"
"What about charity"
Right, so people should have to BEG for their lives?
"Did she try prayer?"
FUCK YOU ... you dont think that people in unending pain, dont pray everyday, for the pain to stop. Just for one minute. Just for one hour.
"What about her family?"
"What about her friends?"
For the love all the that is right and holy ... why do you HATE strangers so much that you wish them hell on earth??
"Have you tried mindfulnesses?"
That's when I punch them in the face.
You dont need a doctor - just be mindful.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
one drive
One Drive to rule them all, One Drive to find them,
One Drive to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
One Drive to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
Monday, March 12, 2018
Sunday, March 11, 2018
2020 - we already lost.
The narcissism of small differences (German: der Narzissmus der kleinen Differenzen) is the thesis that it is precisely communities with adjoining territories and close relationships that engage in constant feuds and mutual ridicule because of hypersensitivity to details of differentiation.
My belief, is that in 2016, as much as any other factors, this allowed trump to win.
The GOP has actively been supporting their differing groups as part of the team. (tea party/fundamentalists/regular gops/deficit is great/tax cuts forever/total war all the times.
After the primaries were over, they pulled together for THE TEAM.
The DEMS, not even close.
I heard over and over from what should have team members pilling together: "Hillary and Trump are two of a kind.", "There is no lesser of two evils, they are both super evil."
Worst, they are all white priv, or oh look, got sucked into the russian propaganda.
We have already lost the 2020 election.
There has been zero movement to bury our differences, and work together.
Intragroup conflict (or infighting) refers to conflict between two or more members of the same group or team.[1] In recent years, intragroup conflict has received a large amount of attention in conflict and group dynamics literature.[2] This increase in interest in studying intragroup conflict may be a natural corollary of the ubiquitous use of work groups and work teams across all levels of organizations, including decision-making task forces, project groups, or production teams.[3]
Jehn[4] identified two main types of intragroup conflict: task conflict and relationship (or emotional) conflict (e.g., differences in personal values).
I wonder how many "I HATE KILLERY" democrats (or any voters) had taken the isidewith dot com position test.
The idea that YOUR IDEAL candidate is the only choice is hubris and a lot of white privilege.
The idea that YOUR IDEAL candidate is the only choice is hubris and a lot of white privilege.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
scientists are just as bad as everyone else when changing their minds
only true in THEORY ....
ask all the scientists who are beholden to .... terrible theories, spent their lives DEFENDING those theories. and we wont be allowed the new ones, until they are all dead.
scientists cling to old crap, as bad as everyone else
FUCKING EINSTEIN himself refused to accept the uncertainty principle.
dont get me started on "the naked ape" .... EVERY MAMMAL on the plains in africa has FUR!! EVERY SINGLE ONE.
but humans walked out onto the plains and LOST their fur??
In what theory does that work??? cheatahs and lions have FUR!!!
and then there is the absurd, theory of scent. you know. the one that does not PREDICT anything. the POWER of science and theories, is that you can PREDICT things.
Newton could not explain the orbit of mercury. einstein's general relativity did. BETTER predictions.
so yah sagan was great, but just as wrong.
Friday, March 9, 2018
statistical lies
Alas ... state level HIDE clusters ...
City level would show if it is JUST the cities, or rural counties too.
Alas city level does show neighborhood difference.
The violence in general in chicago is NOT uniform, the murders mostly happen in 4 major wards and 5 other wards (yes, brown wards).
Does that fatal police violence correlate with those wards? or more spread out.
I would bet a LOT of money, that the police downtown are MUCH MUCH MUCH less likely to shoot anyone, ever POC.
suttle lies with stats are suttle lies
additionally .... is this really different in the south? why?
is it that the cities are MAJORITY white or MAJORITY black?
so less likely ...
and the smaller cities never see a cop ....
would also be interesting compare ... WHERE police shootings are HAPPENING ....
You dont hear about a lot of shootings in sachumberia or napervillians.
(whiter, more affluent)
so is it a STATE thing ... or segregated city thing?
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