Deus-Ex: Mankind Divided
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
google voice phone
do this soon, would you already
do this soon, would you already
Saturday, December 17, 2016
dark chocolate mhmm
slightly better ??
for 1/2 cup ... etc ....
2 tbsp = 30ml
for 1 cup of powder/butter
6 tbsp = 90ml
slightly better ??
for 1/2 cup ... etc ....
2 tbsp = 30ml
for 1 cup of powder/butter
6 tbsp = 90ml
- 1 cup (218 g) cocoa butter* (I like this brand*)
- 1/3 - 1/2 cup (80-120 ml) maple syrup (amount depending on preferred sweetness)
- 1 cup (96 g) cacao powder or unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup (56 g) roasted almonds*
- 1/8 tsp sea salt
- Melt cocoa butter in a double boiler or in a glass mixing bowl set over a small saucepan with 1 inch of water over medium heat. Alternatively, melt in the microwave in a mixing bowl until completely liquid.
- Once melted, remove from heat and add maple syrup and whisk to combine. When the mixture is completely fluid with no separation, add cacao or cocoa powder and vanilla extract. Whisk to thoroughly combine.
- Taste and adjust sweetness if needed - I found 1/3 cup to be perfect.
- Pour the chocolate into candy molds (if you have them), mini paper cupcake liners, or simply line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour the chocolate on top. Top with roasted almonds and sprinkle of salt.
- Set in the refrigerator or freezer to harden for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
- Once completely solid, break or cut into pieces/bars. These can be kept at room temperature for serving. But for best freshness, store chocolate in an airtight container or freezer bag in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks, or the freezer for 1-2 months.
Question: Have you noticed that you have discovered new books that seem better than 10-30 years ago?
Question: Have you noticed that you have discovered new books that seem better than 10-30 years ago?
(yes, there are still tons of crap written each, year, but have you found a GEM, something that jumped to your top 10 list)
My friend Terry Green and I were exchanging words today.
Terry has recently introduced me to ... 3-4 authors who have BLOWN ME AWAY. Not a little. Not "just" different or new. But broken my 10 ten list and made me question the ones that were on the list in the first place.
I have read and loved Game of Thrones 10 years ago, long before the TV series. "If it ends well, it could beat Tolkien!"
Brandon Sanderson
So Terry screws things up, toss "The Way of Kings", Brandon Sanderson. BOOM "If this ends well, it crushes GoT".
Brandon Sanderson
Sanderson also wrote a very well like Mistborn series. Easy read, some AMAZING spaces and characters and ideas and ... Nailed what exactly what it would be like to be a GOD for just .... an hour, just a minute, just a second. NAILED IT
Robert Jackson Bennett
"City of Stairs",
Damn. Ok, this was different and interesting and wonderful. "City of Blades" is the follow up and quite enjoyable.
Richard K. Morgan
My crazy friend Joel throw Altered Carbon, Richard K. Morgan, at me. Nice!
He also wrote The Steel Remains. DAMN!!
Patrick Rothfuss
"The Name of the Wind" SO Then Terry emails and says "Stop what you are reading right NOW and READ THIS NOW" Being a jerk, I ignore him and finish the 3000 pages of crap that I had in front of it (short review? garbage with FANATIC FOLLOWERS no no no no) Patrick Rothfuss Finally get to TNotW ... yup .... Clearly hands down one of my favorite books .... of ever. Poetry. Music. Love. Magic. Fey. Loss. Hope. Despair. The next book in the series is .... as good or better? That is impossible. Patrick Rothfuss The Slow Regard of Silent Things But then I did a terrible thing .... Patrick Rothfuss wrote a tiny novella, following one of the characters (Auri) from Wind, over 7 days. Chapter 3, balled my eyes out. Got to the end and was shaken. This was not a story. This was not a book. One character. Zero dialog (does internal musings count?) Heart Shatter. ok ... now I have NOTHING TO READ, everything that is queued up is CRAP. 3 stars at best? NOOOOO Brandon Sanderson Elantris WHoops found the first novel by Brandon Sanderson! "Well, I love everything that I have read so far, DUH, easy choice. Elantris, starts good, gets better, builds nicely, I really like this, and FLAT ... sigh ... the end just FALLS FLAT. Good book, but not top 10 on my list. But ok fine ... Brandon Sanderson “The Emperor’s Soul” (Elantris) I have already bought the next book by Brandon Sanderson. DUH, I have issues when I find an author that I like. SHUSH. FUCK Nothing like Elantris. NOTHING 1) Written in my favorite format: Diary ... 100 days 2) finished reading it at lunch, while eating out, ... cried at my table ... soul struck ... Two books in one week, that now sit at #1 and #2 of my books this decade and maybe ever. Light and Dark. Life and Death. Shattered now what do I read??? :P
"The Name of the Wind" SO Then Terry emails and says "Stop what you are reading right NOW and READ THIS NOW" Being a jerk, I ignore him and finish the 3000 pages of crap that I had in front of it (short review? garbage with FANATIC FOLLOWERS no no no no) Patrick Rothfuss Finally get to TNotW ... yup .... Clearly hands down one of my favorite books .... of ever. Poetry. Music. Love. Magic. Fey. Loss. Hope. Despair. The next book in the series is .... as good or better? That is impossible. Patrick Rothfuss The Slow Regard of Silent Things But then I did a terrible thing .... Patrick Rothfuss wrote a tiny novella, following one of the characters (Auri) from Wind, over 7 days. Chapter 3, balled my eyes out. Got to the end and was shaken. This was not a story. This was not a book. One character. Zero dialog (does internal musings count?) Heart Shatter. ok ... now I have NOTHING TO READ, everything that is queued up is CRAP. 3 stars at best? NOOOOO Brandon Sanderson Elantris WHoops found the first novel by Brandon Sanderson! "Well, I love everything that I have read so far, DUH, easy choice. Elantris, starts good, gets better, builds nicely, I really like this, and FLAT ... sigh ... the end just FALLS FLAT. Good book, but not top 10 on my list. But ok fine ... Brandon Sanderson “The Emperor’s Soul” (Elantris) I have already bought the next book by Brandon Sanderson. DUH, I have issues when I find an author that I like. SHUSH. FUCK Nothing like Elantris. NOTHING 1) Written in my favorite format: Diary ... 100 days 2) finished reading it at lunch, while eating out, ... cried at my table ... soul struck ... Two books in one week, that now sit at #1 and #2 of my books this decade and maybe ever. Light and Dark. Life and Death. Shattered now what do I read??? :P
Thursday, December 15, 2016
eat me now
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Friday, November 4, 2016
photo to canvas
2016 11 04 - single dot squash
better longer article
better longer article
2016 11 04 - squash conditioning
Players frequently limit their opponents to those of similar skill. However,
conditioned games are a great way to level the playing field between
competitors of varying levels of experience. Conditioned games place
restrictions on what each player can do on court-a classic example is
three-quarter court.
Each example provided below applies to players with a particular skill level
3.0 v. 5.5: Double Bounce
3.0 - Under normal play, a top-level player would have no problem
dispatching a 3.0 player in three quick games. In this conditioned game, the
3.0 is allowed to let the ball bounce twice, allowing significantly more
time to prepare for each shot. The 3.0 player will no longer be rushed and
has more time to focus on making a good swing at the ball.
5.5 - This player is not allowed to volley the ball; it must always bounce.
This achieves two things: (1) the weaker player has more time to recover,
and (2) a well-hit length by the weaker player can't be cut off and may
cause trouble for the opponent in the backcourt.
squash-mag-oct-2016-p3.0 v. 4.5: No Back Wall
3.0 - With a smaller gap between levels of play, the restrictions become
less stringent. In this conditioned game, the 3.0 player wins the point any
time he gets the ball to the hit the back wall after one bounce. This
encourages proper length, and places the movement of the better player under
quite a bit of pressure.
4.5 - The 4.5 player also has a back wall restriction, but the inverse of
the 3.0 player. The 4.5 player loses the point if she hits a ball that hits
the back wall prior to bouncing twice. This prevents the better player from
overpowering her opponent, and makes it harder to trap the opponent in the
back corners.
3.0 v. 3.5: Straight Only
3.0 - For this conditioned game, there is only a marginal gap between each
player. The 3.0 player plays without restriction, able to hit the ball
anywhere on the court.
3.5 - The 3.5 player may only hit the ball straight. Both the front and
backcourt can be used, but no cross-courts or boasts may be played. While
this seems to be a challenging restriction with only a small level
difference between the players, it is surprising how effective this
straight-only tactic can be. To level the playing field further, add a
variation where the 3.5 player can hit a crosscourt-but only off the volley.
There are hundreds of variations of conditioned games; have fun coming up
with your own at home to get the great workout-at any skill level-only
squash can provide!
Comments Are Closed
conditioned games are a great way to level the playing field between
competitors of varying levels of experience. Conditioned games place
restrictions on what each player can do on court-a classic example is
three-quarter court.
Each example provided below applies to players with a particular skill level
3.0 v. 5.5: Double Bounce
3.0 - Under normal play, a top-level player would have no problem
dispatching a 3.0 player in three quick games. In this conditioned game, the
3.0 is allowed to let the ball bounce twice, allowing significantly more
time to prepare for each shot. The 3.0 player will no longer be rushed and
has more time to focus on making a good swing at the ball.
5.5 - This player is not allowed to volley the ball; it must always bounce.
This achieves two things: (1) the weaker player has more time to recover,
and (2) a well-hit length by the weaker player can't be cut off and may
cause trouble for the opponent in the backcourt.
squash-mag-oct-2016-p3.0 v. 4.5: No Back Wall
3.0 - With a smaller gap between levels of play, the restrictions become
less stringent. In this conditioned game, the 3.0 player wins the point any
time he gets the ball to the hit the back wall after one bounce. This
encourages proper length, and places the movement of the better player under
quite a bit of pressure.
4.5 - The 4.5 player also has a back wall restriction, but the inverse of
the 3.0 player. The 4.5 player loses the point if she hits a ball that hits
the back wall prior to bouncing twice. This prevents the better player from
overpowering her opponent, and makes it harder to trap the opponent in the
back corners.
3.0 v. 3.5: Straight Only
3.0 - For this conditioned game, there is only a marginal gap between each
player. The 3.0 player plays without restriction, able to hit the ball
anywhere on the court.
3.5 - The 3.5 player may only hit the ball straight. Both the front and
backcourt can be used, but no cross-courts or boasts may be played. While
this seems to be a challenging restriction with only a small level
difference between the players, it is surprising how effective this
straight-only tactic can be. To level the playing field further, add a
variation where the 3.5 player can hit a crosscourt-but only off the volley.
There are hundreds of variations of conditioned games; have fun coming up
with your own at home to get the great workout-at any skill level-only
squash can provide!
Comments Are Closed
Monday, October 31, 2016
2016 10 31 - bacon posting
foil on trays
cookie drying rack
bacon on racks
alternate wide and narrow
15 minutes
10 more minutes ...
check ... mhmmmm
7 more minutes
mostly ... done-ish ... mhmmm
cook until the right doneness
foil on trays
cookie drying rack
bacon on racks
alternate wide and narrow
15 minutes
10 more minutes ...
check ... mhmmmm
7 more minutes
mostly ... done-ish ... mhmmm
cook until the right doneness
2016 10 31 - bacon posting
foil on trays
cookie drying rack
bacon on racks
alternate wide and narrow
15 minutes
10 more minutes ...
check ... mhmmmm
7 more minutes
mostly ... done-ish ... mhmmm
cook until the right doneness
foil on trays
cookie drying rack
bacon on racks
alternate wide and narrow
15 minutes
10 more minutes ...
check ... mhmmmm
7 more minutes
mostly ... done-ish ... mhmmm
cook until the right doneness
Sunday, October 30, 2016
2016 10 30 - new pc notes and links|
2016 10 30 - new tv notes and links
4,999 - amazon
4,999 - amazon
Product details
1994 2004 2014 - polarization political america
Friday, October 28, 2016
2016 10 25 - Atkins basic food list
0) you will get BORED
When you get BORED, go completely sideways
Only eat ONE THING that you have not had until you burn it out.
Then the other things will be less boring
1) assume that you are COMPLETELY WORNG
When you get BORED, go completely sideways
Only eat ONE THING that you have not had until you burn it out.
Then the other things will be less boring
1) assume that you are COMPLETELY WORNG
Either look at the DAMN LABEL or GOOGLE.
2) Assume that everything that a nutritionist has said is WRONG. COMPETLEY FUCKING FALSE.
All of their data is based on lies and agendas. EVERYTHING is false.
3) initial phase is ZERO CARBS
If your plan is to cheat, well, expect t odor young.
4) LIE #001 - Fiber? HAHAHAHA you only need fiber if you eat sugars and starches
If you have ANY problems with constipation: a) MORE WATER, and B) salt!!!!
Drink better than bullion soup!! Chicken, beef and vegi are amazing. DO NOT GET LOW SODIUM!!!
4) Lie #002 - Fruits!! Fruits are large sugar bombs and will kill you.
IF you continue to eat fruits, you are not doing Atkins, you are eating some kind of bastartd diet.
Don't talk to me if you do. Seriously.
5) Vegies that are NOT FRUITS (tomatoes are fruits, grow up)
Later you can add some Vegies.
Celery you can ALWAYS ADD
GOOGLE your vegi before eating any of it.
HOW many carbs per 100 grams?? MHMMM
Little bits of diced this and that in your omlettes ?? WOOT
Celery ? Go crazy
Lettuce? GOOGLE IT
6) Mutlivitemin - duh take one every day
hot peppers = best source of vit C .... Go crazy
7) Eggs
Hard boiled
MAYO is your friend
Deviled eggs ... Mmmmmm mhmm good
Crust less quiche ... Mhmm
8) Beef
Pot roasts - OMFG get a slow cooker - goes on when you leave - 8 hours later it is fucking heaven in a pot. Add some onions and mushrooms for the last 330/50 mins ... Mhmm
Burgers - if you are OUT, get burger with cheese and extra bacon? Really you don't like bacon? Have you tried it recently??
9) pork
Fat is the best part
Pork belly OMFG with eggs ... Nom nom nom
9.01) sausage (GOOGLE or LABEL or don't eat it !!! No fucking sugar or corn syrup or filler or corn starch)
Learn to love then hot and cold
All need hotdogs, READ LABEL FOR SUGAR ..... Sigh
MSUTARDD on the dog ... Mmmmm
9.02 salami
Pretty much other
Fat is the best part
Pork belly OMFG with eggs ... Nom nom nom
9.01) sausage (GOOGLE or LABEL or don't eat it !!! No fucking sugar or corn syrup or filler or corn starch)
Learn to love then hot and cold
All need hotdogs, READ LABEL FOR SUGAR ..... Sigh
MSUTARDD on the dog ... Mmmmm
9.02 salami
Pretty much other
10) lamb
10.001) chicken
Frozen Tyson roasted Breast strips
(Nuke them for 2-3 minutes till hot, dice, heat in pan with garlic and
(Nuke them for 2-3 minutes till hot, dice, heat in pan with garlic and
Butter OMFG YUM)
11) fish
11) fish
12) shellfish
Friday, October 21, 2016
ID 2 - all the stupids
1) you have antigravity, but something is falling on the moon ... haha
2) the falling thing is going to fall on mission control
because we are too stupid and put people right underneath he weapon
HINT - weapon platforms are TARGETS ... never put people near them ... derp derp derp
3) rebels? LOLOL
4) oops the lights went on by itself ...
5) aliens are soooo stupid - their mothership controls all the rest ... single point of failure = MORON
6) you have anti-gravity and fusion power ... mhmm
so you would have a massive deep deep space sensor network
passive and active
7) moon hanger bay has only single door airlock?? ROFL
8) glasses .... sure ... ok ....
9) hubble ... just noticing saturn base it gone ... LOL
sorry, but with AG and fusion, you would be able to put sensors LIGHT YEARS OUT ...
10) ok, when the alien's sphere ship warps in .... DAMN PRETTY
11) one shot with the canon knocks the sphere away ... HAHAHAHAHA
inertial does not work that way
12) your hanger sucks so bad, that you yell at people to get out so you can launch ...
um .... each ship should have an independent hanger etc etc etc
redundancy is nice
we really need to have more smart people writing movies
and less hollywood <action here>
13) 20 years, and the debris field is still there?? LOLOLOL
because no way to move stuff if you have fusion and AG ...
FFS, You have all that mass in orbit, you would USE IT ....
14) 3000+ mile diameter ship ... we missed it ... hahah
15) so the old ship had shields, but we didnt figure them out .... lol
16) moonbase destroyed with one shot, DUH, because we only have one gun, right at the base ... hahaha didnt see that coming - nope not at all
17) LOL defense system sucked so bad that they knocked out before you could fire once .... hhahaha
18) lol buildings falling up into the air ... unny and "pretty" ... but stupid ...
19) pilots have to scream while flying, otherwise you dont know that they are morons ... morons
20) so funny story - FIRE IS FUCKING HOT
if the fire is BIG, you can feel the RADIANT HEAT from it ... from a long distance ...
21) lol but hospital choppers still have propellers ... hahah
22) derp, but the white house JUST MISSED getting hit ... ffs that is stupid
23) oh look, aliens can use our alien tech guns ... lol
24) oh look stupid dad didnt die, when his boat was capsized ... ffs hollywood ... almost like you have no brains ... none at all
25) she ... hive mom has arrived ... lol
26) they want our molten core .... hahaha
27) cold fusion warheads in bombers ... not missiles ?? LOL
and the ship has shields, so why would bombers get through ??? wow this is sooo bad
28) kill me now
29) oh look, all our fighters and bombers are in one bay ... morons
why wouldnt there be 1000s of bases spread everywhere ... oh right ... we are stupid ...
30) HAHA HAHAHAAH HAAH bombs didnt work ... DUH
31) 7 percent RTB ... lololol
32) everyone died in the line of succession? dont the rules forbid them all being in the same place? HAHA HAHAHA
33) worst writing ever
34) alien ship has fields of giant aloe plants ... yup ... is dumber than dumb
35) oh look, the alien mom had a giant suit and will fight ... just like aliens ..
yup dumber than dumb
36) sole survivor ... and we blew up their ship ... hahaha morons
37) oh look, we can fly these alien fighters ... hahaha oops they closed the doors
we not leaving anyone else behind ... because that has been the dumbest policy ever
38) worst speeches ever - thoughts and prayers - cause our tech and strats are terribad
39) first you wait for the dog, then you have a school bus chase, then you have 6 minutes to prevent the core from being stolen ... haha hahh ahahaa
40) you knew beeter, and yet you bought and watched this ... WTF is wrong with you
41) nope - if you want to see it, you have to buy it from me
2) the falling thing is going to fall on mission control
because we are too stupid and put people right underneath he weapon
HINT - weapon platforms are TARGETS ... never put people near them ... derp derp derp
3) rebels? LOLOL
4) oops the lights went on by itself ...
5) aliens are soooo stupid - their mothership controls all the rest ... single point of failure = MORON
6) you have anti-gravity and fusion power ... mhmm
so you would have a massive deep deep space sensor network
passive and active
7) moon hanger bay has only single door airlock?? ROFL
8) glasses .... sure ... ok ....
9) hubble ... just noticing saturn base it gone ... LOL
sorry, but with AG and fusion, you would be able to put sensors LIGHT YEARS OUT ...
10) ok, when the alien's sphere ship warps in .... DAMN PRETTY
11) one shot with the canon knocks the sphere away ... HAHAHAHAHA
inertial does not work that way
12) your hanger sucks so bad, that you yell at people to get out so you can launch ...
um .... each ship should have an independent hanger etc etc etc
redundancy is nice
we really need to have more smart people writing movies
and less hollywood <action here>
13) 20 years, and the debris field is still there?? LOLOLOL
because no way to move stuff if you have fusion and AG ...
FFS, You have all that mass in orbit, you would USE IT ....
14) 3000+ mile diameter ship ... we missed it ... hahah
15) so the old ship had shields, but we didnt figure them out .... lol
16) moonbase destroyed with one shot, DUH, because we only have one gun, right at the base ... hahaha didnt see that coming - nope not at all
17) LOL defense system sucked so bad that they knocked out before you could fire once .... hhahaha
18) lol buildings falling up into the air ... unny and "pretty" ... but stupid ...
19) pilots have to scream while flying, otherwise you dont know that they are morons ... morons
20) so funny story - FIRE IS FUCKING HOT
if the fire is BIG, you can feel the RADIANT HEAT from it ... from a long distance ...
21) lol but hospital choppers still have propellers ... hahah
22) derp, but the white house JUST MISSED getting hit ... ffs that is stupid
23) oh look, aliens can use our alien tech guns ... lol
24) oh look stupid dad didnt die, when his boat was capsized ... ffs hollywood ... almost like you have no brains ... none at all
25) she ... hive mom has arrived ... lol
26) they want our molten core .... hahaha
27) cold fusion warheads in bombers ... not missiles ?? LOL
and the ship has shields, so why would bombers get through ??? wow this is sooo bad
28) kill me now
29) oh look, all our fighters and bombers are in one bay ... morons
why wouldnt there be 1000s of bases spread everywhere ... oh right ... we are stupid ...
30) HAHA HAHAHAAH HAAH bombs didnt work ... DUH
31) 7 percent RTB ... lololol
32) everyone died in the line of succession? dont the rules forbid them all being in the same place? HAHA HAHAHA
33) worst writing ever
34) alien ship has fields of giant aloe plants ... yup ... is dumber than dumb
35) oh look, the alien mom had a giant suit and will fight ... just like aliens ..
yup dumber than dumb
36) sole survivor ... and we blew up their ship ... hahaha morons
37) oh look, we can fly these alien fighters ... hahaha oops they closed the doors
we not leaving anyone else behind ... because that has been the dumbest policy ever
38) worst speeches ever - thoughts and prayers - cause our tech and strats are terribad
39) first you wait for the dog, then you have a school bus chase, then you have 6 minutes to prevent the core from being stolen ... haha hahh ahahaa
40) you knew beeter, and yet you bought and watched this ... WTF is wrong with you
41) nope - if you want to see it, you have to buy it from me
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Living in the Future - #20047 - LED Light Bulbs
Living in the Future - #20047 - LED Light Bulbs
The future is now.
So, now that I have almost completely replaced all the old bulbs with LED bulbs, I have had to learn new behaviors. In the old days, you would buy multiple bulbs, you needed replacement bulbs. Bulbs burnt out all the time.
Today? Stop buying extra bulbs!!!
By the time that the LED bulbs burn out, the newer bulbs will be cheaper and better.
Save your money.
The future is now.
So, now that I have almost completely replaced all the old bulbs with LED bulbs, I have had to learn new behaviors. In the old days, you would buy multiple bulbs, you needed replacement bulbs. Bulbs burnt out all the time.
Today? Stop buying extra bulbs!!!
By the time that the LED bulbs burn out, the newer bulbs will be cheaper and better.
Save your money.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
retirement stuff - ira roth ladder
Monday, September 26, 2016
VirtualBox - Virtual Box
best way to avoid the insanity ....
best way to avoid the insanity ....
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
mundane - fire detector batteries replaced
replaced all 4 batteries at the same time is,
1 from old pack,
3 from new pack
final replacement on 2016 08 24 noon
how long do these last? HAHAHAHA
down stairs, bedroom and hall are on AC and battery
office is on battery only, but there are WIRES, SO I could AC connect the FD
too many wires, so I gave up
revisit soon ?? hahahaha FML
1 from old pack,
3 from new pack
final replacement on 2016 08 24 noon
how long do these last? HAHAHAHA
down stairs, bedroom and hall are on AC and battery
office is on battery only, but there are WIRES, SO I could AC connect the FD
too many wires, so I gave up
revisit soon ?? hahahaha FML
Sunday, August 21, 2016
fixing windows problems - SFC and DISM
sfc /scannow
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
MSConfig the System Configuration Tool.
startup configuration thingy
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
twitter text analysis tools
DNA first notes
- 2016 08 07 - put in the mail
- 2016 08 11 - gets to place - 10 am
- 2016 08 12 - inspection completed
- 2016 08 21 - DNA extraction - completed
- 2016 08 21 - DNA analysis - started
- 2016 08 26 - DNA analysis - completed
- 2016 08 26 - Quality Review - started
- 2016 08 27 - Quality Review - completed
- 2016 08 27 - Raw Data Processing - completed
- 2016 08 27 - Computation and Report Generation - started
- 2016 09 05 - Report Ready and Data Downloaded
- 2016 08 07 - put in the mail
- 2016 08 10 - gets to place - 10 am
- 2016 08 29 - lab processing begun
- 2016 09 08 - Results Ready
- 2016 08 xx - xxx
- 2016 08 xx - xxx
- 2016 08 xx - xxx
- 2016 08 xx - xxx
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Polar Bear Reality
1) the last ice age began about 110,000 years ago and ended about 15,000 years ago
2) the oldest known polar bear fossil is a 130,000 to 110,000-year-old jaw bone
3) The mitochondrial DNA of the polar bear diverged from the brown bear, Ursus arctos, roughly 150,000 years ago
4) Fossils show that between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, the polar bear's molar teeth changed significantly from those of the brown bear.
5) Brown and Polar bears interbreed. (However, the two species have mated intermittently for all that time, most likely coming into contact with each other during warming periods, when polar bears were driven onto land and brown bears migrated northward.)
Polar bears are declining because we haven't been in an ice-age for 15,000 years.
2) the oldest known polar bear fossil is a 130,000 to 110,000-year-old jaw bone
3) The mitochondrial DNA of the polar bear diverged from the brown bear, Ursus arctos, roughly 150,000 years ago
4) Fossils show that between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, the polar bear's molar teeth changed significantly from those of the brown bear.
5) Brown and Polar bears interbreed. (However, the two species have mated intermittently for all that time, most likely coming into contact with each other during warming periods, when polar bears were driven onto land and brown bears migrated northward.)
Polar bears are declining because we haven't been in an ice-age for 15,000 years.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
University Club
University Club of Chicago
76 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60603
if you are driving, use valet
west side of Monroe, right at Michigan
head up to 12 "the gallery"
give them my name, etc etc etc
feel free to wander around or I can drag you around afterwards
76 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60603
if you are driving, use valet
west side of Monroe, right at Michigan
head up to 12 "the gallery"
give them my name, etc etc etc
feel free to wander around or I can drag you around afterwards
Monday, July 25, 2016
atkins .... some of the things that I learend
1) get a leather belt, punch new holes when the belt gets too big ... OWN IT
2) you are not ON a DIET, you are changing your eating habits (aka changing your diet)
3) if you stop, you will get fat again
4) in the beginning, dont worry about calories, portion sizes, losing weight. worry about zero carbs. no fucking sugar, no fucking starches
5) fruit is filled with sugar - period
6) fuck the FDA and "nutritionists" ... neither are science
8) finding snack food is HARD, get out of the rut
9) throwing food away is OK ....
so .....
2) you are not ON a DIET, you are changing your eating habits (aka changing your diet)
3) if you stop, you will get fat again
4) in the beginning, dont worry about calories, portion sizes, losing weight. worry about zero carbs. no fucking sugar, no fucking starches
5) fruit is filled with sugar - period
6) fuck the FDA and "nutritionists" ... neither are science
8) finding snack food is HARD, get out of the rut
9) throwing food away is OK ....
so .....
- forget about "breakfast food", because you will die of egg boredom if you stick to breakfast
- bacon should only be cooked by the package or more - baking it on a sheet in the oven is easiest - line pan with foil for easy clean up
- meat ... hot dogs, sausage ... every kind of sausage, and the more. easy to cook, easy to rewarm, easy to snack up. mmmmmm
- cheese - omfg - there are 12 billion kinds of cheese, get different ones every day/week
- celery and carrots ... as a scoop to eat hummus or cream cheese .. etc etc
- everything from the store has sugar ... look look look
- frozen roasted chicken strips ... nuke and eat ...
- frozen shrimp - nuke and eat
- you will need "snack" food .... frozen stuff saves you TIME .... keeps you from the crap
- fucking boredom is so hard ... omlettes, never add the same thing, scrabbles, add something different, or the same thing
- hard boiled eggs for snacks ... whatever
- chicken salad, slices of ham steaks EASY EATING
- steak and eggs, just steak, pork chops, lamb chops, stews, more steak, burgers,
- mmmmmm bacon, I really need to cook more and have it in the fridge
- throwing away food is HARD, get over it
- burger, dont eat the bun
- pizza, dont eat the crust!!
- all the dishes that get put over pasta, subtract the pasta - TADA
- beef stroganoff, sausage and peppers and onions, pretty much every dish
- For awhile, I was getting potbelly sandwiches, with extra meat, and not eating the bread
- then they started putting them on salad bowls for me ... OMG so tasty
- fuck now I cant eat salads???? arghhhh
- avocado and net carbs
- the keys is getting rid of all starches and sugars
- avocados have massive amounts of fiber and tiny amount of carbs. go for it
- tons of apps to keep track of what you eat and how much ... meh
- later, assuming success, you will find yourself eating less, that 5 eggs omlette was too much ... that steak was too much ... etc ... but dont stress it until you hit a plateau
- fuckcing boredom .... hardest fucking part ....sheeeshhhhhh
- better than bouillon - IF you are going down the path of bouillon for getting extra salt ... this soup basse is amaazing ... spoonful, hot water, stir in mug ... mmmmm seriously good. I lived on the chcicken, beef, and vegetable ...
- boredom - if you keep a log of what you eat, and then share it with me or others, we can toss out a list of all the things that you could eat, but diddnt ...
- fissh, chicken, oh look TURKEY ... mmmm duck duck and more duck
- chorizo, andulie, polish, german, hard salamis,
- booze ...
- beer has the most carbs
- wine has about half of beer
- vodka has zero carbs
- So while you still have calories ... which will get burned before fat, still better than beers ... dammit ... I need to stop my beer again ... sigh
- odd things that might happen on atkins
- I found that I magically started walking faster, and everyone else was slow - WTF ??
- taste ... everything tastes different now ... sugars taste INSANELY too sweet ... which is a good thing
- time - it all takes time, but if you go full atkins, you will notice huge changes, insanely quickly
- shrimp lobster crabs mmmmm seafood
so yah, it is different, not hard ... the hard part is the fucking ADDICTION to sugar ... shudder ... sigh , all this food talk, and I got nothing to eat in the house
re low carb bread, recipes ....
I have found all those things to be stupid and misleading ... you dont need vegia pasta ... just eat more of whatever that was going on it. You dodnt need bread, jsut eat a second burger or chicken breast or whatever ...
I would get extra bacon and extra avocado on a burger to push the burger into a meal ... tada ...
AH .... no ketchup ? fine ... mustard and mayo ... nom nom nom
I would get extra bacon and extra avocado on a burger to push the burger into a meal ... tada ...
AH .... no ketchup ? fine ... mustard and mayo ... nom nom nom
oh god, I need to get work done
Saturday, July 2, 2016
new car radio stereo - kenwood kdc bt362u
kenwood kdc bt362u
kenwood kdc bt362u
To play voice navigation through your phone speakers, follow the steps below.
- Open the Google Maps app
- Touch the Menu
> Settings > Navigation settings.
- To play voice navigation through your phone speakers, turn the switch off next to "Play voice over Bluetooth".
To play voice navigation through your car speakers, follow the steps below.
- In your phone settings, turn Bluetooth on.
- Make sure your phone is paired and connected with your car.
- Make sure the source for your car audio system is set to Bluetooth output and not another output like AM, FM, aux, etc.
- Open the Google Maps app
- Touch the Menu
> Settings > Navigation settings.
- Turn the switch on next to "Play voice over Bluetooth".
Tip: If you connect your phone to multiple Bluetooth devices, like a car or headphones, you might have to reconnect to Bluetooth in your device's settings when switching between devices.
If you don't hear voice navigation through your car speakers, turn the "Play as Bluetooth phone call" switch on when:
- Your car supports Bluetooth phone calls but not Bluetooth media.
- You want to hear navigation even when you're listening to audio other than Bluetooth, like the radio or a CD.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
tips for moving
obviously all advice is based on can you afford
1) buy boxes, esp large-ish ones ... you always need more boxes than you think you need
2) buy clean/blank news sheet (obviously old newspaper works fine too) you can never use TOO much wrapping/padding
3) get the good tape ... the cheap tape doesnt stick and will rip and get a lot of it ... running out of tape? ARGHHH
4) of course, now you need a cheap tape dispenser ... ace hardware or office supply ...
labeling !
what room does the box go in, what's in the box, how critical is it to open the box
a) couple fat sharpies go a long way
b) get or make pre printed color coded labels for which room ....
c) label the box with a number
0 - open today - whatever is in here you need NOW
1 - can wait until tomorrow
2 - can wait until next week
3 - why didnt I throw this out already???
d) write something else on the box about what's inside ... anything ... will help jog memory ...
e) take a picture of what's inside? alas ... this will slow everything downnnnnnn
a) OMG it is too late to think about "should I get rid of this or not?" having to think about each item will slow everything down to grinding halt ... just wrap it, box it, worry about it LATER
b) big heavy items on the bottom, light fragile on the top ...
Pack this stuff completely separate from EVERYTHING ELSE.
Move it yourself, make sure it gets put somewhere out of the WAY in the new place.
The last thing that you want broken or lost are keepsakes.
Spend extra care and attention to these.
OMG the cardboard boxes will shred your hands ... little tiny micro cuts on your finger tips ... like sand paper ...
donate used books and stuff to reading programs/good will/what not
1) buy boxes, esp large-ish ones ... you always need more boxes than you think you need
2) buy clean/blank news sheet (obviously old newspaper works fine too) you can never use TOO much wrapping/padding
3) get the good tape ... the cheap tape doesnt stick and will rip and get a lot of it ... running out of tape? ARGHHH
4) of course, now you need a cheap tape dispenser ... ace hardware or office supply ...
labeling !
what room does the box go in, what's in the box, how critical is it to open the box
a) couple fat sharpies go a long way
b) get or make pre printed color coded labels for which room ....
c) label the box with a number
0 - open today - whatever is in here you need NOW
1 - can wait until tomorrow
2 - can wait until next week
3 - why didnt I throw this out already???
d) write something else on the box about what's inside ... anything ... will help jog memory ...
e) take a picture of what's inside? alas ... this will slow everything downnnnnnn
a) OMG it is too late to think about "should I get rid of this or not?" having to think about each item will slow everything down to grinding halt ... just wrap it, box it, worry about it LATER
b) big heavy items on the bottom, light fragile on the top ...
Pack this stuff completely separate from EVERYTHING ELSE.
Move it yourself, make sure it gets put somewhere out of the WAY in the new place.
The last thing that you want broken or lost are keepsakes.
Spend extra care and attention to these.
OMG the cardboard boxes will shred your hands ... little tiny micro cuts on your finger tips ... like sand paper ...
donate used books and stuff to reading programs/good will/what not
Thursday, June 23, 2016
TRT choices clomiphene
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
WOW expansion pack level transitions
1 1-58 - Vanilla
58 61-70 BC Burning Crusade
68 71-80 lich king
80 80-85 Cata
86 86-90 Pandaland
90? 91-100 Draenor
go to the NEW AREAS ASAP
they are infinitely better than finishing one last thing ....
unless you want to do ALL THE QUESTS EVERYWHERE
speed and better gear?
58 61-70 BC Burning Crusade
68 71-80 lich king
80 80-85 Cata
86 86-90 Pandaland
90? 91-100 Draenor
go to the NEW AREAS ASAP
they are infinitely better than finishing one last thing ....
unless you want to do ALL THE QUESTS EVERYWHERE
speed and better gear?
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
"You have a slightly elevated calcium level and the parathyroid hormone level is just a tad higher than it should be for that level. So, very mild hyperparathyroidism; no indication for specific treatment at this juncture. However, I would suggest that you stop all calcium supplement"
SHE'S THE ONE who had me START taking calcium in the first place???
SHE'S THE ONE who had me START taking calcium in the first place???
there is a lot of debate on whether I should get surgery or not, so talking a specialist, regardless of her desire.
oh wait what?
my TSH is also 2.9 (should be 1.0)
"Thyroid level is reasonably good on the 224mcg daily."
my TSH is also 2.9 (should be 1.0)
"Thyroid level is reasonably good on the 224mcg daily."
When I am at 1.0, I am like a nomal person (well normal for me).
When I am 2.0 or higher, cant do shit, cant sleep, no energy ... blah blah blah
Between these two things, it explains why I cant move.
FFS, the hyperparathyroid alone explains 1200 of my symptoms ...
but she just wants to sit and wait
well at least I was right ...
Monday, May 9, 2016
There is a 6-7 season story arc ... in the strangest of shows.
The story follows an EVIL character, with no redeeming qualities.
During the long arcs, this character develops , asking some of the deepest meta physical of all time. period. developing the most unexpected, the most passionate love scene of all time.
7 years later, this PURELY EVIL character, hated by all, ... well, you say it coming, but his redemption is the best development that I have ever seen. Probably never to be beaten.
The story follows an EVIL character, with no redeeming qualities.
During the long arcs, this character develops , asking some of the deepest meta physical of all time. period. developing the most unexpected, the most passionate love scene of all time.
7 years later, this PURELY EVIL character, hated by all, ... well, you say it coming, but his redemption is the best development that I have ever seen. Probably never to be beaten.
Lucifer vs Dead Like Me
Lucifer .....
so ....
Like "Dead Like Me", the show talks about "obvious" things without being judgmental ....
Lucifer 0 ""shining one, light-bearer"- a name, literally "bringer of dawn", for the morning star.[14] The word Lucifer is taken from the Latin Vulgate,[15] which translates ×”ֵילֵל as lucifer,[16][17] meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing".[18]"
The story is mater of fact, rather than insulting ... he speaks of his father ... and choices ... that he was the first and the most powerful angel ...
I have no idea where it is going ... but free will and choices ...
there is ... an unusual amount of "laugh out loud" assertions ... "I told you that I was Lucifer" , " I told you that I am immortal" ... and the struggle of mortals to even believe, let alone comprehend ....
and WHY would Lucifer be helping an homicide cop?
the ultimate metaphysical question is can even lucifer morning start being redeemed ? (in theory of course)
Dead Like Me continually dance the dance.
reapers harvested souls, to send then one ... but nothing was ever know or asserted as to where ... other than SOME where clearly doing to a not so nice place ... lol
Then there is the redemption of Spike.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
NetPi - and so it begins
copied almost everything identically
because of new screen --- no drivers - didnt work ...
UGH ... time to start the real work ...
because of new screen --- no drivers - didnt work ...
UGH ... time to start the real work ...
Thursday, May 5, 2016
OT for hand - first visit - Lauren Levitt
she said I am pinched all along the nerve
bad shoulder, at my hand where the original injury took place ...
but clearly, not carpal tunnel or tennis elbow ...
she said that I can still play ... no need to rest, it isnt a torn tendon .... etc
she did the normal, tests and measurements ... my right grip is 60lbs, and left is 80lbs? HAH clearly weakness in grip
gave me a bunch of stretches and strengthens stuff to do ...
posture fix this and that, esp desk !!
(which I am doing WRONG right now ... hahaha)
some stuff for when sleeping (splint wrist for sleeping, etc etc ...)
we shall see we shall see
seemed very knowledgeable and very thorough eval ....
we are doing some ultrasound on my hand, in the hope that that is where the most inflamation is and that it will help ... we shall see what we see
Saturday, April 30, 2016
2016 - desktop crashes
collect log of how often and what time each crash occurred
event log etc etc etc
2016 04 30 - 11am ish - update all of windows software
2016 04 30 - 2:30pm ish - benchmark
2016 04 30 - xx:xx - upgrade bios drivers what nots
install updates
all of them ...
component tests
stress tests
crash dump automatic analysis
debug crash dumps !!!
Driver Verifier
this is already built in and installed
Verifier stresses out your drivers ... basically forcing them to fail
you can figure out which one failed/caused the BSOD
event log etc etc etc
2016 04 30 - 11am ish - update all of windows software
2016 04 30 - 2:30pm ish - benchmark
2016 04 30 - xx:xx - upgrade bios drivers what nots
install updates
all of them ...
crash dump automatic analysis
debug crash dumps !!!
Driver Verifier
this is already built in and installed
Verifier stresses out your drivers ... basically forcing them to fail
you can figure out which one failed/caused the BSOD
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