Thursday, May 5, 2016

OT for hand - first visit - Lauren Levitt

she said I am pinched all along the nerve
bad shoulder, at my hand where the original injury took place ...
but clearly, not carpal tunnel or tennis elbow ...
she said that I can still play ... no need to rest, it isnt a torn tendon .... etc

she did the normal, tests and measurements ... my right grip is 60lbs, and left is 80lbs? HAH clearly weakness in grip

gave me a bunch of stretches and strengthens stuff to do ...
posture fix this and that, esp desk !!
(which I am doing WRONG right now ... hahaha)
some stuff for when sleeping (splint wrist for sleeping, etc etc ...)

we shall see we shall see
seemed very knowledgeable and very thorough eval ....

we are doing some ultrasound on my hand, in the hope that that is where the most inflamation is and that it will help ... we shall see what we see

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