Saturday, December 17, 2016

Question: Have you noticed that you have discovered new books that seem better than 10-30 years ago?

Question: Have you noticed that you have discovered new books that seem better than 10-30 years ago? (yes, there are still tons of crap written each, year, but have you found a GEM, something that jumped to your top 10 list) My friend Terry Green and I were exchanging words today. Terry has recently introduced me to ... 3-4 authors who have BLOWN ME AWAY. Not a little. Not "just" different or new. But broken my 10 ten list and made me question the ones that were on the list in the first place. I have read and loved Game of Thrones 10 years ago, long before the TV series. "If it ends well, it could beat Tolkien!" Brandon Sanderson So Terry screws things up, toss "The Way of Kings", Brandon Sanderson. BOOM "If this ends well, it crushes GoT". Brandon Sanderson Sanderson also wrote a very well like Mistborn series. Easy read, some AMAZING spaces and characters and ideas and ... Nailed what exactly what it would be like to be a GOD for just .... an hour, just a minute, just a second. NAILED IT DAMN Robert Jackson Bennett "City of Stairs", Damn. Ok, this was different and interesting and wonderful. "City of Blades" is the follow up and quite enjoyable. Richard K. Morgan My crazy friend Joel throw Altered Carbon, Richard K. Morgan, at me. Nice! He also wrote The Steel Remains. DAMN!! Patrick Rothfuss
"The Name of the Wind" SO Then Terry emails and says "Stop what you are reading right NOW and READ THIS NOW" Being a jerk, I ignore him and finish the 3000 pages of crap that I had in front of it (short review? garbage with FANATIC FOLLOWERS no no no no) Patrick Rothfuss Finally get to TNotW ... yup .... Clearly hands down one of my favorite books .... of ever. Poetry. Music. Love. Magic. Fey. Loss. Hope. Despair. The next book in the series is .... as good or better? That is impossible. Patrick Rothfuss The Slow Regard of Silent Things But then I did a terrible thing .... Patrick Rothfuss wrote a tiny novella, following one of the characters (Auri) from Wind, over 7 days. Chapter 3, balled my eyes out. Got to the end and was shaken. This was not a story. This was not a book. One character. Zero dialog (does internal musings count?) Heart Shatter. ok ... now I have NOTHING TO READ, everything that is queued up is CRAP. 3 stars at best? NOOOOO Brandon Sanderson Elantris WHoops found the first novel by Brandon Sanderson! "Well, I love everything that I have read so far, DUH, easy choice. Elantris, starts good, gets better, builds nicely, I really like this, and FLAT ... sigh ... the end just FALLS FLAT. Good book, but not top 10 on my list. But ok fine ... Brandon Sanderson “The Emperor’s Soul” (Elantris) I have already bought the next book by Brandon Sanderson. DUH, I have issues when I find an author that I like. SHUSH. FUCK Nothing like Elantris. NOTHING 1) Written in my favorite format: Diary ... 100 days 2) finished reading it at lunch, while eating out, ... cried at my table ... soul struck ... Two books in one week, that now sit at #1 and #2 of my books this decade and maybe ever. Light and Dark. Life and Death. Shattered now what do I read??? :P

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