Saturday, August 6, 2016

Polar Bear Reality

1) the last ice age began about 110,000 years ago and ended about 15,000 years ago
2) the oldest known polar bear fossil is a 130,000 to 110,000-year-old jaw bone
3) The mitochondrial DNA of the polar bear diverged from the brown bear, Ursus arctos, roughly 150,000 years ago
4) Fossils show that between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, the polar bear's molar teeth changed significantly from those of the brown bear.
5) Brown and Polar bears interbreed. (However, the two species have mated intermittently for all that time, most likely coming into contact with each other during warming periods, when polar bears were driven onto land and brown bears migrated northward.)

Polar bears are declining because we haven't been in an ice-age for 15,000 years.

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