RagnarDanesk: You do understand that though out history the climate has changed, no one debates this, in fact only the left seems to try and argue that its always been exactly the same until we invented the internal combustion engine. We have proof that the Vikings once lived and grew grapes for wine in northern Canada so clearly the climate changes. That does not mean its caused by man.
all stats are about cherry picking your data
all stats are about cherry picking your data
you can craft different stories depending on where you start and where you stop
BUT CO2 is up during the recent period.
And the ocean is more acidic during this same period, so the ocean is in agreement.
And the ocean is more acidic during this same period, so the ocean is in agreement.

LONGER period


What's missing in all these graphics, is ... whenever the Co2 spiked this high, we got another ice-age right after.
We are JUST in latest short local period of warming. There will be ice again!! :D
We are JUST in latest short local period of warming. There will be ice again!! :D
1) did we cause it? doesnt matter. it is real, it is here now, it is getting higher. (yes of course we caused SOME of it. all of it? no. most of it? probably)
2) can we fix it by changes just in the US? hahaha no ... India and China are adding more Co2 per year, than the rest of the world are cutting. Slowing the acceleration wont help at all.
2) can we fix it by changes just in the US? hahaha no ... India and China are adding more Co2 per year, than the rest of the world are cutting. Slowing the acceleration wont help at all.
3) can we fix it with tech? hahaha we have all kinds of SCIFI ideas: iron in the ocean to bloom algae, sulfur in the atmosphere to make clouds. so we could fuck with the thermostat if we want.
4) will species go extinct? lol of course. like they always have and always will. are we forcing some early extinctions? duh of course. nothing new.
5) will humans suffer? yes. um ... the same humans who are most likely to suffer the most are suffering NOW from other problems, but we are doing NOTHING. Why should we do something because of CLIMATE but not for those other reasons? derp.
so yah, I'll be dead soon enough. everyone will be dead soon enough.
planet will go back to doing what it always does ... up and down, back and forth
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