Tuesday, August 4, 2015

anthropocentric fool

anthropocentric - I am the center of the universe
geocentric - the Earth is the center of the universe
heliocentric - the Sun is the center of the universe
reality - we are so far the center that the concept has no meaning

1) there are an infinite number of planets (close enough to make no difference) (no really) (figure ~10^21 stars in observable universe, figure ~10^22 planets - close enough to infinite)
2) the idea that the earth is the ONLY planet in the universe with life is so laughable that only an anthropocentric fool would even pretend that it must be the case
3) the only intelligent life - same story - apologies to fermi and his paradox, but yawn. we can assume that intelligence is a function of time. we already have a number of animals that we know are pretty damn "close". the idea that we are the only ones? see anthropocentric fool

but tell me again how your god, out of the millions of gods that humans have worshipped over the last 100,000 years is the only one

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