Thursday, August 13, 2015

On my way to losing weight - Insane unexpected life changes

So ... I lost a bunch of weight by going on a low carb diet.  My only goal was to lose weight.
I expected that this would improve health measures. BP, glucose, cholesterol, happier knees, etc.  What I didn't expect was all the other odd changes.

1) Walking - what the fuck - my pace increased. I wasn't walking faster to try and lose weight, I just started walking faster, naturally. And am annoyed by slow walkers.  More energy I guess.

2) Dandruff - lolwut?!  I went from leaving dandruff everywhere; back of the couch, my shirts and jackets, everywhere; to wait, what, where did it go. I still use prescription dandruff shampoo, but mostly because meh, I already have it and like it. lolwut?!

3) GERD - I used to live on Prilosec.  I used to have to sleep on my left side only.  If I rolled over to the right, 100% chance that I would wake up. UNHAPPY.  I long since stopped taking it.  Still have to go sleep on my left, but, I no longer wake up in the middle of the night from events.

4) Energy - HAHAHAHAAHAH - Seriously. Nothing like eating steak and eggs, losing weight, and having energy.

5) Knees - since switching, my knees stopped hurting.  This wasnt from losing the weight. Nope.  When I "cheat" now and have carbs, TADA, my knees hurt. LOLOLOL

6) Beer - Dammit.  I used to love beer.  All kinds of beer.  Now I can pretty much only drink IPAs.  Your taste buds change??

7) Food

8) Sugar Addiction - everything is way too sweet now. YAY.  But do not discount the REAL effect of carb addiction.  Quitting carbs is like quitting anything else.  You will have headaches!! You will crave and suffer.  Suck it up nancy.

9) Jealousy - hahahaahahaha Seriously.  Other fatties will hate you. Or join you and love you forever.  My best friend talked his wife into doing this with him. "It will make it easier for me."  Together they are down over 100 lbs and falling. And healthier!!

10) Cholesterol is better than before the diet.

11) BP meds are cut in half. Working on the next half.

12) Glucose is completely out of the "pre-diabetic zone".

13) the list goes on and on

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