Thursday, August 13, 2015

Don't Diet - Change Your Diet

    Shut up, buy this book, NOW.  Seriously interesting science book.  Not a diet book.  Not selling anything.  Just Facts.  You know. Science and Stuff.
    1. Do you know how diabetes used to be treated before modern medicine started using drugs to treat it? Why not?
    2. Do you know that almost everything that you think that you know about diet and nutrition is false?
  2. Do not go on a diet, change your diet.
  3. If you are trying to lose less than 5% or less, of your current weight, 5lbs out of 100, piss off.
  4. You didnt gain the weight in one week, you wont lose the weight in one week.
  5. What ever you have done so far doesnt work. Stop doing it.
  6. Until you have reached your target, there is no such thing as a cheat day, or cheat weekend.  Grow the fuck up already.
  7. WHI (in the book) - End result of years of data? Women lost weight, but gained inches.
  8. Stanford A to Z Study (in the book) - Guess which study won? And won on multiple measures:
    1. weight lost
    2. ease of diet
    3. improved blood numbers
    4. AKA the best diet
  9. No one cares what works for you.  That is AWESOME.  The rest of us are not you.  Seriously, if what you did worked for everyone, that everyone would do it. Piss off.
  10. Hypothyroid, esp if you have Hashimoto's - You are almost certainly being under-dosed because the doctors are worried about bone density (and other hyperthyroid issues).  Get your actual numbers.  Talk to a specialist.  One that treats your gender, including weight issues, and gets it.  If you have no energy, weight problems, and hashimoto's; you are being under-treated. Period.
  11. Fraudulent Study - the FDA recommendations from the 1980s were based (at least in part), on a multi-country study, that was fraud.  What else would you call a study that excluded countries that didnt fit the desired results? Yup. Fraud.  And 35 years later we are starting to come around??? sigh
  12. Wear a belt - cinch it tight.  So you are uncomfortable? Good. Stop wearing nice comfortable sweat pants. HAHAHA How else did we get fat in the first place?!
  13. Estrogen aka Hell for Women - Estrogen and fat absorption are inversely related.  Lower E, leads to increased fat storage.  (re Wade - in the book)
  14. Vegetarian - Vegan - Sorry, did you want to lose weight or belong to a religion?  Sure you can "blah blah blah blah".  If your diet was so awesome, than you wouldnt be fat.
  15. OWN IT - you got fat. OWN IT. SHOUT IT OUT.  Tell people.
  16. Fitbit etc - anything that can track data for you automatically is AWESOME.
  17. Doctors - have they helped you so far?  Are they stuck in the "we would have to admit that we were WRONG" trap?  Dietitians? HAHAHAHAH Can we at least admit that what they are selling is not based on science?!
  18. Most of the current FDA recommendations are not actually based on any science.  I call that a religion.  All myth, no facts.

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