Sunday, May 26, 2019

the lack of math and logic is killing us

Humans have NEVER cared about the planet. EVER.

I was "reading" about Frank Herbert, THE AUTHOR of the massively best selling Dune.

He spoke at the first Earth Day.
Strange, absolutely NOTHING has changed since then. NOTHING.

Until ADULTS are willing to die for this issue. To give up EVERYTHING that they own. quit their jobs and march to war to change things,
NOTHING will change.

HALF of society wants to go backwards.
No facts or logic will change their view. Nothing.

I'm not willing to DIE to change this, are you?

"but but I dont use plastic straws" ... yawn
"but what if we could replace ALL of the lightbulbs with even BETTER lightbulbs????"
I did the math the other day, IF you could replace 100% of all lightblubs, (which is impossible and costly in polltuion), you would reduce the amount of electricty used by ... a whopping 0.5%.

And a moron said "every little bit helps". No it does not.

WANT to cut CO2 emissions? lightbulbs wont do squat. Zero.
WANT to cut co2? Replace ALL fossil fuel power plants with fission.
THAT will reduce emissions by 40%!!!!!

AND if you only replaced half of them, your reduction would be 20%


nope ... let's spend time and energy on worthless benefits. 0.5%

the lack of MATH and LOGIC is what's killing us.

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