Wednesday, May 22, 2019

scent - luca turin

AH !@! My other favorite.
The Shape Theory of Scent.
Complete, and total BULLSHIT.
WE KNOW that TODAY. BUT the entrenched morons wont let it go.

Luca Turin should win the nobel prize ... in chemistry, physics and biology ... for the work that he did on the vibration theory of scent. But the fuckers will wait until he DIES before they admit that he was right.

THE BOOK, highlights the BULLSHIT of peer review journal articles.
His article was rejected by three groups.
Physicist "The physics is right, but I cant review the chemistry or biology"
Chemist "the chemistry is right, but I cant review the physics or biology."
Biologist "the biology is right, but I cant review the physics or chemistry"

the perfect catch-22

PROOF that his theory is "RIGHT"?
People using the shitty shape theory of scent are unable to predict the scent for new synthetic molecules.
BUT Luca said FUCK IT, founded his own company and has patented new replacement molecules for a number of scents.


seriously amazing fun read ...

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