Friday, May 17, 2019


Was reading about this from the SIDE ....

99.98999989999% of everything came about because of other things ... strange paths and accidents and unintended and ooo look at that.

Look at all the POISONOUS food that we "treat" and eat?
Corn is worthless without nixtamalization.
And the natives were doing it LONG before white men discovered WHY.
Tomato, potato, rhubarb, leaves and stems are poison.
Lima and kidney beans are poisonous.
Raw cashews!! lol death.
And yet, humans have domesticated and eat pretty much EVERYTHING on the planet that is edible,

WHICH MEANS, people must have gotten sick and died in the early days. LOL

Look up pretty much every element. and most compounds.
We know what they TASTE like.

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