Thursday, May 2, 2019

chicago ignoring

many .... orthogonal reasons ... some more and some less

a) dead black hooker ... the racist cops, not giving a fuck about black people
b) dead black hooker ... "we love that hookers are illegal so can fuck them and ignore them"
c) local cases vs central control - the IDEA that each precinct could or should be staffed for murder investigations is INSANE ... and cold cases are ignored
d) money - we spend all out money on the war on consensual crimes, instead of capital crimes - murder and rape
e) money - black/poor dead vs rich white PANIC
f) secrecy - fucking cops worried about looking bad wont share the data - publicly or internally ...
g) zero accountability ... and worse, framing people in order to close a case
h) tech

a huge part is tech. they used super cool tech to find patterns in mountains of data.

that being said .... where is the massive DNA database to solve these rapes and murders? whoops .... might find GOOD PEOPLE committed those crimes ...

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