Wednesday, May 22, 2019


sorry trying not to LOLOLOL
yup ... I jsut posted elsewhere about future shock and luddites

my "guess" is that this is the norm from our DEEP evolution.
HALF of the people are "conservative", they will never try the new beetles, that new mushroom you brought home, half will cross that river and never return.

HALF of the country wants to run backwards.

Evolutionary it makes "sense".
IF everyone was risk adverse, we would all die in the first potato famine. IF we are all insane risk takers, we would all die from eating pete's cooking. (my beef kimchi stirfry tonught was yummy)

Koalas will go extinct soon. They can ONLY eat one tree leaf.
And ... and I just learned this yesterday, they are stupid. Their brains are SMOOTH. If you put the leaves on the ground, they wont eat them. LOL Their brain is one of the smallest, proportionally of all mammals.

While WOMBATS will eat anything vegi, and have the most developed brain of marsupials, larger than expected, highly convoluted.

great. now I need to take a trip[p down under

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