Wednesday, April 11, 2018


"You are being temporarily reassigned."
How far?

“The Department of Justice is assigning you to temporary duty on Solaria.”

Yup ... being reassigned OFF WORLD, to ANOTHER STAR, .... quite far.

As an "aware" adult, reading OLD SF, has a strange, pleasant and wonderful taste to it.

The "mistakes" in "what will the world look like with 8 billion people living on it", and how terribly wrong they predicted, are refreshing and confirming in many ways.

The late, GREAT, Julian Simon talked about the ULTIMATE RESOURCE ... and was proven, over and over and over to be RIGHT.

Asimov wrote about an earth with 8 billion people, barely able to feed them. On the BRINK.
Instead, we sit here with 7.6 billion fat humans.
(Point of fact - the starving humans, are not starving from lack food, but from lack of humane government. Haiti, NK, Somalia, Flint, these people are suffering because of tax cuts, NOT the lack of food.)

India and China are effectively feeding their billions.
And housing and educating and providing healthcare.
Perfect? No, of course not, GO AWAY and take perfect to your wall.

The predictions of SOYLENT GREEN and The Population Bomb, was the US !!!  Would have degenerated into caniblism by the 90s!!!  Instead we have an obesity problem.
A) predicted by Julian Simon 
2) completely missed by the fool, Paul Erhlich.
(Hint: if PE is your go to guy, you should find someone with a better success rate.)

We really need to MEASURE these people, rank them, and FUCKING IGNORE THEM. And certainly remove them from power.

BOA gave 5 billion to vulture capitalists to destroy toys r us, and will never get their money back. WHy?
Vulture capialists have cost the banks and INSANE amount of money. STOP LENDING THEM MONEY

Strange, no one lends trump money anymore. NO ONE.
So where does the money come from for his new stuff?

Russian Mob. NICE

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