Sunday, April 15, 2018

morons in space

and she's DEAD again ..
Takes a weather balloon up to 350,000 feet !!! 65 miles, space. pressure is ~ zero.
A) the weather balloon never expands as rises, staying the same shape as at launch .... sigh
B) um the balloon explode, once the pressure gets too low ... 
C) our highest balloon was HALF that .... so no
D) sure, she is in a space suit, so fine, she can breath ....
E) oh never mind ... this is the 20th time that she has died ... in 4 episodes .... good thing they ONLY TOOK qualified morons on the mission ... I would hate to see how bad things would be if they took any idiot ... oh wait, she faked the test results so her kid could come ... yup .... all idiots

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