Saturday, April 21, 2018

Facebook cohortts

So facebook connections are interesting ....
As a Data Science NERD (FFS for 35 years???) I find the data of facebook to be quite interesting and wonderful.

And in strange ways, they mimic real life perfectly.
Squash -> Synthia (RL) -> Eric (RL) -> Leanne (FB), would never have met Leanne in RL. I dont travel enough!!

For my next trick, I want a loop, hasn't happened yet, but soon!  Theoretically, if I go far enough, they should loop back to someone that I already know in RL.

My current longest friend chain scares me:
Work -> Beth (RL) -> Trina (RL) -> 10 year gap -> Trina (FB) -> Trace (FB) -> Gisela (FB) -> Farrah (FB)

That these are different states and countries ... LOL
And that doesnt enter into the other Cluster of friends.
WOW ....

Scott (FB - RL) brought up one cool metric.
People who have been both home cities.
(If one is always coming to your city, that makes them a stalker. Heh)

WOlfram used to have the singular best FB app ever, it created a cluster of your friends, showing the interconnections, and creating clusters. Automatically.
For me it created: and they were all obvious
Family - duh
HS - College (going to commuter college made for a lot of overlap)
Work - College (working in college)
Squash - biggest real world cohort, outside of work and school
WoW - biggest virtual cohort. And one of the most amazing.
People from EVERYWHERE. And having met a bunch of them in RL, quite strange and wonderful. Hell even dated one for a bit. 

Remember when people said "those people arent real friends!" ? Mhmm

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