Sunday, April 1, 2018

dating 101

"addiction" ... LOL
and yah
people dont change
so if they play games when you meet them, they will play games when you are married.
No different than EVERYTHING else.
(feel free to change pronouns as needed)
Strangely enough, I know PLENTY of happily married gamers.
Zero difference than any other hobby/habit/avocation/addiction.
(brb, WOW is calling me)

"all he does is sit around watching baseball!!"
Did he do that before you married him?
um, why did you think he would change?

"OMG he is addicted to porn!!"
did he use porn before you married?
"NO he said he never looks at porn!!"
so you believed a liar and then married him?
"NOT MY fault that he lied!!!"

"I hate his taste in movies."
and this is different how?
"it's not my fault he wont do what I say!!"

my last GF was better at games than me.
my most recent GF didnt play games.
neither worked out for different reasons.

what I can not comprehend or accept:
you dont like their hobbies? 

the funniest part ... is this is ALL dating 101

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