Friday, December 8, 2017

wow addons

There were a ton of good suggestions on here, and I got tired of trying to find them all again. So i am compiling all of them into a single post.
Relicinspector - it shows you offspec traits for relics on the tooltip, and also shows you whether it is higher ilevel than your currently equipped offspec relic.
CQuestCounter - Puts back the counter on your quest list that they removed for Legion
Classic Quest Log. Name's as advertised - it simply brings back the old quest log UI.
DialogKey. Quite simple, you can navigate npc dialogue boxes with your keyrow and spacebar
ArtifactPowerUser something small but helps me not dig through my bag to look for the artifact power i just got
New Openables is a more general addon along the same lines that also supports things like rep tokens and reward bags.
I use TotalAP for this, provides the same function with the button while also tracking your progress.
To complement AutoLootPlus, I love SellJunk.
AuctionValue - Puts the total buyout value of your auctions on the Auctions tab of your AH.
CorkIt - Abandoned but still works, blocks all the NPC spam in /say and /yell
Rogue Door Opener - Saves a click getting in to the Rogue order hal
StrataFix - Fixes most UI layering issues like Adventure Guide being unclickable/buttons not having anything on them.
Server Shift Alert - Makes a noise when you phase to another realm or get moved to another shard on your own realm.
TipTac. It makes the tooltip window that pops up when you hover over something have more info
ItemLinkLevel. Tells you the ilevel/type/socket in your chat window of all gear that you (and groupies) pick up.
OPie. It's a radial menu add-on that can clear your action bars almost immediately.
BadPet - /S /W a user who has a pet with taunt on. Quite funny how people react to these things. Some will say "Sorry!", others will complain you spam them >_>, in one occasion I had someone say he kept taunt on on purpose, as he liked the whispers as it felt like he had a friend to talk to.
BetterIconSelector - To make it easier to find a good icon for your macros.
CollectionShop - Scans the AH to see what items you're missing for your mount / pet / toy / tmog collections.
Rephelper - Shows lots of information with regards of rep for the various factions.
InstancePortals - Shows Legion type portals for instances for the old dungeons.
Immersion - Replaces quest windows with Legion talking head windows.
Pets and Mounts - If you're like me and like using different mounts for different classes, as well as pets (i.e. elemental pets for Shaman, Magic pets for Mage, etc, this allows you to set up a profile for each of your characters. You can then keybind it to randomly summon a mount you like for that character only. Plus it will auto summon pets for you and rotate through the pets you have set up for that character.
TalentSetManager - If you have different talent sets and gear sets you cycle through, this is your boon. I have an AoE spec and a ST spec and both require different gear. I can set up two gear sets, two talent sets and then bind the gear set to the talent set and whenever I switch talents, it switches my gear at the same time.
VanasKoS - For those that play on PVP servers. Ever been ganked and want to make a note on who did? VanasKoS (Kill on Sight) will make your screen flash whenever a player on your list is nearby.
Bindpad Allows you to bind keys to a spell instead of an action bar slot. Move stuff around your action bar without changing the bind!!!
Adibags - a bag addon that automatically sorts your bags into specific sections such as Consumables etc.
World Quest Group Finder - You most likely know this by now. Instead of soloing world quests you get automated groups to do the quest with. 5 people do it faster.
Addon Control Panel - Make sets for addons to switch way faster. Like "leveling", "raid", "AH / in town" etc. So you dont have to click all addons every time you go raiding. You just choose set and reload.
H.H.T.D. or "Healers Have to DIE" - PvP addon that tells you who is healer so you can focus fire it instead of that dps who doesnt seem to die some reason.
Can I mog it? - Have you learned that BoE plate item your Priest has? Can I Mog It will tell you! The default UI only tells about items the character you are on can wear. Can I Mog It works across your account for all of your characters
Convert Ratings - Tells you how much haste/crit/mastery/vers % does that 1245 actually give without eguipping it.
inFlight - Tells you how long it will take for flightpoint to another. Great for alts and leveling. And wondering how long can you alt tab if you are too lazy to fly from dala to mountains with mount.
NomiCakes - Tells you what you still need from Nomi and what to actually spend your fish and meat on.
ArtifactWhispers - Makes your artifact weapon talk in similiar fashion to Demo or Spriest weapon. There are no lore similiar to those weapons but you will get some quotes related to those weapons. For example guldan quotes for destro weapon, BM weapon gets Mimiron quotes, ashbringer gets their own whispers.. Can get spammy or annoying but you can tone it down a lot.
Storyline - This addon makes your Quest Log appear as Dialoque.
StarCursor for when you frequently lose the mouse pointer. Useful on very high resolution where the mouse pointer is ant-sized.
HideTalkingHead gets rid of talking pop up box.
"Artifact tab", it creates a bar to go to your artifact power in the talent window
ConsLegion for leveling alts
GTFO It's nearly impossible to stand in fire with this addon unless you're deaf.
Paragon Reputation Cleans up the interface for your new Paragon reps and makes it look like the old reps.
Minimap Button Bag. Super useful not to have a shitton of Addon buttons spread around the minimap
Geist It's just mod that gives you a customizable square actionbar right where your cursor is when you hit a keybind. You have the keybind toggle the actionbar or only have it up when the key is being held down. It's where I keep all my mounts/ profession buttons/ toys/ hearthstone type stuff.
Flash Taskbar - now you can safely tab out out off that lazy raids. Works on many events such as readycheck, dbm pulls, whispers, combat etc
MoveAnything - Move anything on Blizz UI
GnomishVendorShrinker - compresses vendor lists
AngryKeystones - For M+'s
Sorry If I missed any

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