Sunday, December 31, 2017

Legal pot to be 5 bil

Unless Chump and Session puts a stop to this federally.

My boss and I have been having THIS conversation for decades now: what is the NEXT BIG THING; what is the OLD THING to die.

We watched cassettes and VHS tapes and CDS and DVDs pretty much die.
OH vinyl is back?? WTF???
OH look SMART PHONES and smart watches (will smart watches wipe out the original "fitbits").

We have started to see some commercial Marijuana show up in our data. It is tiny still, given that most legal pot is still being sold in bulk.

How soon before Nielsen provides a marijuana tracking service? 
(There are small "mom and pop" tracking services available today)

Does anyone really DOUBT that this is THE NEXT BIG THING?
5 Billion in CA. A billion in WA, OR and CO.

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