Sunday, December 10, 2017


one of the strange things that I learned from having a roommate who was a survivor ... is that there is no difference between physical and mental abuse ... none .... it was .... terrifying and educational, watching her and her friends discuss who had it WORSE ... and ... trust me on this ... ALL of their stories were horrific ... but they all agreed than the mental was, in many ways. much worse than the physical.

broken bones had healed, the scars had faded and could be covered up.
but the mental? was trapped in their minds, forever.

this writer wrote well, and I agree with her ...
... but ... I refuse to assume that I know IF Leeanne Tweeden is suffering mentally. (we know, from what she told us and the pictures, that the physical, at best was minor abuse - NOT EXCUSING ANYTHING).
IF she is suffering mentally ... I have no problem what she did.
IF she did it for political gain and attention? there is a special place in hell for her ....

man o man .... it feels like we are NOWHERE on this ....

do we need a scale? that allows us to "compare" and contrast offenses?
We do this for crimes. MURDER? LIFE IN PRISON.
STAB SOMEONE? couple years.
Stab someone in self defense? probation or nothing

so ...
<things in the middle here>
ass grabbing during a photo op? social shaming for sure ... but at worst a misdemeanor
<even lesser things here>
whistling at someone walking by - bottom of the scale ...

the IDEA, that all of these things should carry the same punishment is .... absurd ....

and yet .... we have let the GOP lump pedophiles and ass grabbing into the same CRIME ....

we have lost again ... we have lost the war of words ...
WHY havent we hired Frank Luntz to fix this??
(and ... yah, NOT HIM, but a liberal version>

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