Sunday, December 10, 2017

Farming, progress, future shock

"One fifth of what it SHOULD be priced"
I spot the problem right here.
Every single commodity has gone down in price. And over time, that will continue forever.

The better metric is "per hour of labor" or "per energy expended". We are infinitely more efficient than every point in the past.

1980s ....
Computers. Massive changes in farming using computers and satellites and data.
Seed Genetics. More yield = more supply.
Russia and China. TADA - global market = more supply and more demand.
Equipment. Massive combines are infinitely more efficient than mule drawn or small tractors.
"OLD PEOPLE SYNDROME" I used to be able to buy a car with only one bushel.  Milk used to be a penny. Yawn.
Science. Better/more fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides = higher yield.

In the end, factor everything together and commodity prices go down.

The dynamics of the farm bill is .... insanely complex. Price support, loan support, etc.

Toss in corporate farms, economy of scale, is HUGE. ALWAYS. She formed a collective with all her other farmer friends, right? Mhmm

Toss in voting. Farm country uniformity votes GOP. Got what they deserved.

TOSS in the DYNAMICS of society.
Her "pain" with lower prices, is the gain of 150 million hungry poor people who can eat for less money.

These are all expected outcomes.
But they want things to stay the way they were!!! Meh ..... 

TOSS in the ... at what rate do GOP voters see shrinks, versus DEM voters??

I am going to spend my empathy on starving children. 
Still interesting data.

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