Sunday, December 24, 2017

Nazis at

[[ Privacy is set to friends only. If you know someone who has insight or thoughts they want to add, have them send me a friend request.]]

[[ if not us, who? If not now, when? ]]

IF I do nothing, I am just as responsible as the trump voters.
(See first comment)
(To give you an idea how serious I am, I bought a new domain name a few months ago, and have started asking people privately and got a couple great answers)

1) I know that there is no ONE ANSWER
2) partial answers to fix parts of the problem is a good start
(And some of you ... might be getting a private home visit. Because I really want to talk to YOU. Not to change your mind. But to get an answer from them non-liberals)

(PLEASE - feel free to send me private msg and I can post your answers and questions anonymously )

This goes back to the "white women need to get their house in order".  White PEOPLE own this.

White MEN and to a lesser degree white WOMEN won the whitehouse for trump and his racism/sexim/pro-rape party. 

I have a SERIOUS QUESTION and am looking for SERIOUS ANSWERS.  There is a spectrum. I am NOT naming names.
(Asking for a friend, because WE ARE THE PROBLEM)

Q: your nephew is a nazi. (You have photographic proof)
Their parents actively support this. 
Your sibling and your other nieces/nephews all voted for the Orange Racist.

Q: side question - you walk into your 18 yo child's room, and they have the confederate flag or nazi flag on their wall.
(Your answer is the same, right?))

0) Easiest and worst thing that you can do - nothing.
And you are actively the problem. (See Weinstein analogy at bottom)

100) Hardest and most extreme thing that you can do - shun them.
Privately is less extreme. Publicly is most extreme.
(Hint - we are shunning Weinstein and Spacey and Wiener and all the rest, this is no different.)

Does ANYONE believe that data, logic and critical thinking works to change a Nazi's mind at this point? 

(Obviously, if it is your child, you are going to beat them about the head. And if they are in HS, you are reading them the riot act, and getting them a shrink, and informing them that this is done and over. You will not support a rapist. You will not support a nazi. You will not support a rapist. Right??)

There is no logic. No data. No critical thinking. That will changes these hearts and minds.  And if we go NOTHING, we are actively supporting Nazi Germany.
Actively supporting Jim Crow and worse.

Analogy Weinstein/Cosby/et al 
Everyone is silent. The rapes and assaults continued.
NOW that they are being made public, their is shaming and shunning.

The TRAP is that there are two answers, and TBH, I think that we need to demand that people make it one answer.

As individuals.
"Oh no, they are my son, I cant shun my son!!"

As a society.
By allowing this to continue at the individual level, we have created a society that allows this and embraces this.
Out pro-rape, pro-assault culture was built by the silence of millions of victims and millions more that saw and did nothing.

(The Mallet is out for this)

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