Sunday, December 31, 2017

Insert your kid here

FUCK YOU. I have not been sleeping a lot, and it is SO DUSTY IN HERE.

OF COURSE it was insane.
That didnt make it the wrong thing to do.

The THING that I have been talking with a friend about these last few years, is what kind of example are you setting for your children?

The examples that you are setting for [Inser your kid here] will be with her forever. FOREVER.  
Mistakes happen.
Risks are scary and AWESOME.
There are infinite paths.

History is a lie

Yes no sort of.
Our "recording" of history is 100% false.

ALL of recorded science that we are "taught" is 100% false. 
Newton didn't DISCOVER calculus.
Be built on the work of 100s of people and wrote a book that is remembered.
Leibniz codeveloped calculus on the same day. (They wrote back and forth.)

Einstein built on all the work of Lorentz and others, and wrote it down.
Einstein got the first (and no question, his 4 papers shook the world), but if he didnt, all of those papers would have been written in the next years.

He didnt discover e=mc2, he wrote it down first.

No question that talent has been crushed, and is being crushed. 

Legal pot to be 5 bil

Unless Chump and Session puts a stop to this federally.

My boss and I have been having THIS conversation for decades now: what is the NEXT BIG THING; what is the OLD THING to die.

We watched cassettes and VHS tapes and CDS and DVDs pretty much die.
OH vinyl is back?? WTF???
OH look SMART PHONES and smart watches (will smart watches wipe out the original "fitbits").

We have started to see some commercial Marijuana show up in our data. It is tiny still, given that most legal pot is still being sold in bulk.

How soon before Nielsen provides a marijuana tracking service? 
(There are small "mom and pop" tracking services available today)

Does anyone really DOUBT that this is THE NEXT BIG THING?
5 Billion in CA. A billion in WA, OR and CO.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Nazis at

[[ Privacy is set to friends only. If you know someone who has insight or thoughts they want to add, have them send me a friend request.]]

[[ if not us, who? If not now, when? ]]

IF I do nothing, I am just as responsible as the trump voters.
(See first comment)
(To give you an idea how serious I am, I bought a new domain name a few months ago, and have started asking people privately and got a couple great answers)

1) I know that there is no ONE ANSWER
2) partial answers to fix parts of the problem is a good start
(And some of you ... might be getting a private home visit. Because I really want to talk to YOU. Not to change your mind. But to get an answer from them non-liberals)

(PLEASE - feel free to send me private msg and I can post your answers and questions anonymously )

This goes back to the "white women need to get their house in order".  White PEOPLE own this.

White MEN and to a lesser degree white WOMEN won the whitehouse for trump and his racism/sexim/pro-rape party. 

I have a SERIOUS QUESTION and am looking for SERIOUS ANSWERS.  There is a spectrum. I am NOT naming names.
(Asking for a friend, because WE ARE THE PROBLEM)

Q: your nephew is a nazi. (You have photographic proof)
Their parents actively support this. 
Your sibling and your other nieces/nephews all voted for the Orange Racist.

Q: side question - you walk into your 18 yo child's room, and they have the confederate flag or nazi flag on their wall.
(Your answer is the same, right?))

0) Easiest and worst thing that you can do - nothing.
And you are actively the problem. (See Weinstein analogy at bottom)

100) Hardest and most extreme thing that you can do - shun them.
Privately is less extreme. Publicly is most extreme.
(Hint - we are shunning Weinstein and Spacey and Wiener and all the rest, this is no different.)

Does ANYONE believe that data, logic and critical thinking works to change a Nazi's mind at this point? 

(Obviously, if it is your child, you are going to beat them about the head. And if they are in HS, you are reading them the riot act, and getting them a shrink, and informing them that this is done and over. You will not support a rapist. You will not support a nazi. You will not support a rapist. Right??)

There is no logic. No data. No critical thinking. That will changes these hearts and minds.  And if we go NOTHING, we are actively supporting Nazi Germany.
Actively supporting Jim Crow and worse.

Analogy Weinstein/Cosby/et al 
Everyone is silent. The rapes and assaults continued.
NOW that they are being made public, their is shaming and shunning.

The TRAP is that there are two answers, and TBH, I think that we need to demand that people make it one answer.

As individuals.
"Oh no, they are my son, I cant shun my son!!"

As a society.
By allowing this to continue at the individual level, we have created a society that allows this and embraces this.
Out pro-rape, pro-assault culture was built by the silence of millions of victims and millions more that saw and did nothing.

(The Mallet is out for this)

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Friday, December 22, 2017

replacing iphone battery

Thursday, December 21, 2017

High Speed trains

There is another, orthogonal dimension that is just as important.

Japan is a tiny DENSE country, slight smaller than California. 
(With close to 3x the population of CA)

So you effectively have MORE tax dollars in the same space. Demand is effectively3x higher.

The Amtrak/fragmentation is only a tiny part of the problem.

It would be absurd and insanely expensive to run high speed from NYC to LA.
You would have too many stops in the middle, and not high enough density.

BUT the density equation is HIGH ENOUGH for the Boston - NYC - DA Corridor. And they have begun higher express (still not HIGH SPEED)

Portland - Seattle makes sense, but no money was put up to make it real.

(Madison - chicago - saint louis - corridor has plans .... all about funding)

You would thing that SD - LA - SF corridor would be another candidate.

And "subsidies" is a bullshit argument.
The roads are MASSIVELY subsidized.
Fuel Oil is MASSIVELY subsidized. 
Air travel is massively subsidized. 
(Those airports weren't free)

In the end, it is density and travel time.
Japan's has 45 of the top 50 stations in the world.
Yokohama has 2 million passengers; a DAY.

Funding/Costs - Dimension 
A) we under fund
2) we under charge for car driving into city centers. (London charges tolls for driving into city which reduces cars, and that cash, goes into the trains and busses!!!)

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Obama vs the GOP

family man

bassoon reeds

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Stormlight Oaths

First Ideal
Life before death,
strength before weakness,
journey before destination.

I will remember those who have been forgotten.
I will listen to those who have been ignored.
-Lift - Edgedancers

I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.
I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right.
I will protect even those I hate, even if the one I hate most is myself. (Teft)
- Windrunners, 

I will unite instead of divide. I will bring men together.
I will take responsibility for what I have done, if I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.
– Bondsmiths

I will put the law before all else.
– The Second Ideal of the Skybreakers.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

college loans

the fallacy is in the calculus
any degree * B1 +
a degree that pays well * B2 -
cost of degree +
wages over your life +
other random terms =
good choice vs bad choice

(all of this ignores the "got the degree in naval gazing for the degree, not the money)

Most people inflate the VALUE of B1 to be MUCH MUCH MUCH higher than B2.
Most people get "upset" that some degrees pay MORE than other degrees.
Most people deflate the cost of the degree "I will make it back".

You dont need a $500,000 college degree to work in a coffee shop and write the great american novel. Hell, the degree takes time away from the writing!!!

AND, there are a TON of unfilled jobs (in trades) that dont require a degree and pay much better than coffee shop.

We have been pushing the GREAT AMERICAN COLLEGE DREAM, and refusing to recognize that some people will still be collecting the trash, laying pipes in the streets, and doing things that are important, pay well, and a degree is worthless.

no .. I dont have THE ANSWER
but 100% certain, that making college loans forgivable in bankruptcy will fix a lot of the problems.
(no bank will give a $200k loan, for a degree that has a HUGE chance of ending up in bankruptcy court)
(so you are a C student, want a loan for "art history" degree, and think it will pay off $200k??? mhmmm)

I know ... I know ...

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

2018 - the new desktop

2017 12 23 - get this case - DUH

asus vs  gigabyte
esp if I can order one and not the other

thermal paste
cooling systems by noize
link to compare diff asus MBs

HEAT PROBLEMS ON CPU - ESP heat spreader

testing notes and software and examples etc etc

an x299 build

coffee lake
4 dimms sigh ...

slightly smaller CPU ... LOLOL
From a non-gaming perspective, this is a questionable processor—it's only marginally faster than the 16C/32T i9-7960X.

monoblock sooling something something


Sunday, December 10, 2017


one of the strange things that I learned from having a roommate who was a survivor ... is that there is no difference between physical and mental abuse ... none .... it was .... terrifying and educational, watching her and her friends discuss who had it WORSE ... and ... trust me on this ... ALL of their stories were horrific ... but they all agreed than the mental was, in many ways. much worse than the physical.

broken bones had healed, the scars had faded and could be covered up.
but the mental? was trapped in their minds, forever.

this writer wrote well, and I agree with her ...
... but ... I refuse to assume that I know IF Leeanne Tweeden is suffering mentally. (we know, from what she told us and the pictures, that the physical, at best was minor abuse - NOT EXCUSING ANYTHING).
IF she is suffering mentally ... I have no problem what she did.
IF she did it for political gain and attention? there is a special place in hell for her ....

man o man .... it feels like we are NOWHERE on this ....

do we need a scale? that allows us to "compare" and contrast offenses?
We do this for crimes. MURDER? LIFE IN PRISON.
STAB SOMEONE? couple years.
Stab someone in self defense? probation or nothing

so ...
<things in the middle here>
ass grabbing during a photo op? social shaming for sure ... but at worst a misdemeanor
<even lesser things here>
whistling at someone walking by - bottom of the scale ...

the IDEA, that all of these things should carry the same punishment is .... absurd ....

and yet .... we have let the GOP lump pedophiles and ass grabbing into the same CRIME ....

we have lost again ... we have lost the war of words ...
WHY havent we hired Frank Luntz to fix this??
(and ... yah, NOT HIM, but a liberal version>

registry hive comparisons

A) save a copy of the hive
B) time goes by
C) take a new snap shot
D) compare ???
E) can I stomp on the HIVE, NOT REPLACE ...

Aka, make all the setting BACK to what they were ..... leaving NEW Setting were they are now ...

I know that I can .... but ... hmmmm

Take OLD
Take NEW
Combine, keeping OLD and adding NEW that are not in OLD

Farming, progress, future shock

"One fifth of what it SHOULD be priced"
I spot the problem right here.
Every single commodity has gone down in price. And over time, that will continue forever.

The better metric is "per hour of labor" or "per energy expended". We are infinitely more efficient than every point in the past.

1980s ....
Computers. Massive changes in farming using computers and satellites and data.
Seed Genetics. More yield = more supply.
Russia and China. TADA - global market = more supply and more demand.
Equipment. Massive combines are infinitely more efficient than mule drawn or small tractors.
"OLD PEOPLE SYNDROME" I used to be able to buy a car with only one bushel.  Milk used to be a penny. Yawn.
Science. Better/more fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides = higher yield.

In the end, factor everything together and commodity prices go down.

The dynamics of the farm bill is .... insanely complex. Price support, loan support, etc.

Toss in corporate farms, economy of scale, is HUGE. ALWAYS. She formed a collective with all her other farmer friends, right? Mhmm

Toss in voting. Farm country uniformity votes GOP. Got what they deserved.

TOSS in the DYNAMICS of society.
Her "pain" with lower prices, is the gain of 150 million hungry poor people who can eat for less money.

These are all expected outcomes.
But they want things to stay the way they were!!! Meh ..... 

TOSS in the ... at what rate do GOP voters see shrinks, versus DEM voters??

I am going to spend my empathy on starving children. 
Still interesting data.

Friday, December 8, 2017

2017 fantasy books to read NOW

Brandon Sanderson
The Stormlight Archive - HIGH epic fantasy
The Way of Kings
Words of Radiance
Edgedancer - short fill in - amazing
two more in the series ... UGH

To be honest, every single thing that he has written is amazing.
The Emperor's Soul - short and beautiful
Mistborn - first three ... fun fun fun

patrick rothfuss
The Kingkiller Chronicle - story telling - amazing
The Name of the WindUIKeyInputDownArrow
The Wise Man's Fear
The Slow Regard of Silent Things - very short ... one sit reading ... WARNING
The Doors of Stone

Jim Butcher
The Dresden Files
Start on book 4 - Summer Knight  .... the first 3 are his first three novels and they show.
If you like the 4, go back and read 1-3 ... you miss nothing ...
Book 12 - Changes, is where the story goes to warp speed ...

Codex Alera  !! - I love the magic system.
6 books, series is complete
one of my favorites
On my reread list

Joe Abercrombie
The First Law
3 books, wonderful POV writing ... like nothing I have ever seen before.

John Ringo
Black Tide Rising - FUN twist on zombies and survival
Under a Graveyard Sky
To Sail a Darkling Sea
Islands of Rage and Hope
Strands of Sorrow

Robert Jackson Bennett
City of Stairs
I dont even know why I like this. and the nest two books.
But I read them without stopping. heh

Hyperion by Simmons
Marooned in Real Time, Vinge

Good Omens - Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchet - best ends of the world

Old Mans War, John Scalzi - fun space opera

wow addons

There were a ton of good suggestions on here, and I got tired of trying to find them all again. So i am compiling all of them into a single post.
Relicinspector - it shows you offspec traits for relics on the tooltip, and also shows you whether it is higher ilevel than your currently equipped offspec relic.
CQuestCounter - Puts back the counter on your quest list that they removed for Legion
Classic Quest Log. Name's as advertised - it simply brings back the old quest log UI.
DialogKey. Quite simple, you can navigate npc dialogue boxes with your keyrow and spacebar
ArtifactPowerUser something small but helps me not dig through my bag to look for the artifact power i just got
New Openables is a more general addon along the same lines that also supports things like rep tokens and reward bags.
I use TotalAP for this, provides the same function with the button while also tracking your progress.
To complement AutoLootPlus, I love SellJunk.
AuctionValue - Puts the total buyout value of your auctions on the Auctions tab of your AH.
CorkIt - Abandoned but still works, blocks all the NPC spam in /say and /yell
Rogue Door Opener - Saves a click getting in to the Rogue order hal
StrataFix - Fixes most UI layering issues like Adventure Guide being unclickable/buttons not having anything on them.
Server Shift Alert - Makes a noise when you phase to another realm or get moved to another shard on your own realm.
TipTac. It makes the tooltip window that pops up when you hover over something have more info
ItemLinkLevel. Tells you the ilevel/type/socket in your chat window of all gear that you (and groupies) pick up.
OPie. It's a radial menu add-on that can clear your action bars almost immediately.
BadPet - /S /W a user who has a pet with taunt on. Quite funny how people react to these things. Some will say "Sorry!", others will complain you spam them >_>, in one occasion I had someone say he kept taunt on on purpose, as he liked the whispers as it felt like he had a friend to talk to.
BetterIconSelector - To make it easier to find a good icon for your macros.
CollectionShop - Scans the AH to see what items you're missing for your mount / pet / toy / tmog collections.
Rephelper - Shows lots of information with regards of rep for the various factions.
InstancePortals - Shows Legion type portals for instances for the old dungeons.
Immersion - Replaces quest windows with Legion talking head windows.
Pets and Mounts - If you're like me and like using different mounts for different classes, as well as pets (i.e. elemental pets for Shaman, Magic pets for Mage, etc, this allows you to set up a profile for each of your characters. You can then keybind it to randomly summon a mount you like for that character only. Plus it will auto summon pets for you and rotate through the pets you have set up for that character.
TalentSetManager - If you have different talent sets and gear sets you cycle through, this is your boon. I have an AoE spec and a ST spec and both require different gear. I can set up two gear sets, two talent sets and then bind the gear set to the talent set and whenever I switch talents, it switches my gear at the same time.
VanasKoS - For those that play on PVP servers. Ever been ganked and want to make a note on who did? VanasKoS (Kill on Sight) will make your screen flash whenever a player on your list is nearby.
Bindpad Allows you to bind keys to a spell instead of an action bar slot. Move stuff around your action bar without changing the bind!!!
Adibags - a bag addon that automatically sorts your bags into specific sections such as Consumables etc.
World Quest Group Finder - You most likely know this by now. Instead of soloing world quests you get automated groups to do the quest with. 5 people do it faster.
Addon Control Panel - Make sets for addons to switch way faster. Like "leveling", "raid", "AH / in town" etc. So you dont have to click all addons every time you go raiding. You just choose set and reload.
H.H.T.D. or "Healers Have to DIE" - PvP addon that tells you who is healer so you can focus fire it instead of that dps who doesnt seem to die some reason.
Can I mog it? - Have you learned that BoE plate item your Priest has? Can I Mog It will tell you! The default UI only tells about items the character you are on can wear. Can I Mog It works across your account for all of your characters
Convert Ratings - Tells you how much haste/crit/mastery/vers % does that 1245 actually give without eguipping it.
inFlight - Tells you how long it will take for flightpoint to another. Great for alts and leveling. And wondering how long can you alt tab if you are too lazy to fly from dala to mountains with mount.
NomiCakes - Tells you what you still need from Nomi and what to actually spend your fish and meat on.
ArtifactWhispers - Makes your artifact weapon talk in similiar fashion to Demo or Spriest weapon. There are no lore similiar to those weapons but you will get some quotes related to those weapons. For example guldan quotes for destro weapon, BM weapon gets Mimiron quotes, ashbringer gets their own whispers.. Can get spammy or annoying but you can tone it down a lot.
Storyline - This addon makes your Quest Log appear as Dialoque.
StarCursor for when you frequently lose the mouse pointer. Useful on very high resolution where the mouse pointer is ant-sized.
HideTalkingHead gets rid of talking pop up box.
"Artifact tab", it creates a bar to go to your artifact power in the talent window
ConsLegion for leveling alts
GTFO It's nearly impossible to stand in fire with this addon unless you're deaf.
Paragon Reputation Cleans up the interface for your new Paragon reps and makes it look like the old reps.
Minimap Button Bag. Super useful not to have a shitton of Addon buttons spread around the minimap
Geist It's just mod that gives you a customizable square actionbar right where your cursor is when you hit a keybind. You have the keybind toggle the actionbar or only have it up when the key is being held down. It's where I keep all my mounts/ profession buttons/ toys/ hearthstone type stuff.
Flash Taskbar - now you can safely tab out out off that lazy raids. Works on many events such as readycheck, dbm pulls, whispers, combat etc
MoveAnything - Move anything on Blizz UI
GnomishVendorShrinker - compresses vendor lists
AngryKeystones - For M+'s
Sorry If I missed any

windows 10 update problem on old/current desktop lol
steps to stuff

clean windows 10 install lol
more stuff ... pointing to drive letter stuff ... heh




As an outsider ... it would be interesting to the research on WHY. It is simplistic to say that this was caused by STEM (the trend was clear long before STEM the acronym existed).  

Certainly, the struggle to survive in the real world, requires a job that pays money. Universities moving to more non-tenured profs (lectures, associates, adjuncts, what-nots) and building endowments instead of profs.

It would be very interesting to see, by department, money spent on full profs, other teachers, etc; versus the rest of spending and how this changed over the last 50-100 years.

But ... I would argue that the problem goes back to HS ... I went to a top tier magnet school, and had only ONE lit teacher worth anything. He was perfect for getting  otherwise disengaged students to be excited.  ONE teacher. Oh wait, my freshman Myths and Heroes teacher was awesome.

HOW many students are DESTROYED by the bad teachers? Hamlet? Took me 2 decades before I could recover from a HS teacher so bad at teaching, that he destroyed Hamlet??? HOW???

This problem didnt exist in history or social studies. Math was 50/50. Science was AMAZING.

So ... how does this get fixed??
Or do we just bury it?

I postulate, that without capturing ME in HS, you can never succeed. 
I would argue that part of the problem is the lack of "research" ... asking the students (current and past) ...  what worked, what didnt, what captured them, what lost them and WHY.

Instead I hear "BUT THE CLASSICS ARE GERAT". Yawn. So what. The problem is never the material, but the presentation. 

Everybody loved Chick Lorimer
Dammit ... had to look this up ... but it stuck with me for 40 years. Not the author, not the name of the poem, one line.  I would kill to have that classroom book again. For all the other random works.

HOW do you fix this?
Step 1 - hire me (or someone like me) an outsider to research this from the OUTSIDE.
Step 2 - grade school teachers!!! OMFG
Teachers started banning/forbidding their students from writing their book reports on Harry Potter. HINT: why the hell would stop a young child from writing about something that they are PASSIONATE about? How will they grow???

Thursday, December 7, 2017


1 1/2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts, sliced into cutlets
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/2 cup parmesan cheese  --- 1.75  oz
1 cup spinach, chopped
1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes --- 1 oz

sleeping pills and anxiety

soma ....

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

2017 12 05 - address change things

drivers license 
address change
vision test
written test
Chicago Central
Facility Listing
100 W. Randolph
Chicago, IL 60601
Get Directions
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday Closed

address change
fix/update email thingy



Jesus - Raputre - Second Coming

Jesus returns every 100 years.
The same conservatives kill him every time.

GOP goes t

They would have to ADMIT that they are WRONG.
Do you know any GOP that are in therapy??

I cant imagine my GOP family getting therapy!! HAHAHA

GOP: I hate poor people.
Therapist: because???
GOP: they steal all my money
Therapist: you mean to feed starving children?
G: they should all get jobs!!!
T: um ... what about schools?
G: they should have picked better parents!!!
T: you realize that your position is immoral? Are you christian?
T (calling 911): I have a dangerously insane patient that I need a 72 hour hold for

US V William Alexander

Step 1) force the government to GIVE YOU THE DATA

They won this motion.
The court forced the FBI to turn over MASSIVE amounts of data.
The court paid for the defense to analyze the data.

Step 2) look at the data
Fagan - from the NYC Stop and Frisk and others did the analysis

Step 3) they found MASSIVE BIAS

Step 4) Motion to Dismiss
THIS MONTH, the court will hear, whether to dismiss the cases.
NOT drop the evidence!!

Step 5) bigger still
12 cases and 9 judges will be hearing this motion.
Yes, the FBI are racially enforcing the law!!!

Mosaic Articles

Monday, December 4, 2017



This is my attempt to collect every word spoken by Kosh Naranek, the Vorlon ambassador to Babylon 5. For more information about Vorlons and Babylon 5, read J. Michael Straczynski's description of the Vorlons, and see the list of related links at the bottom of the page.

This page contains Kosh quotes through the end of Season Three.
The Pilot

The Gathering

Kosh never actually speaks. He does appear to bow to Sinclair when we see through his eyes via Lyta; he bows to the assembled ambassadors when he meets them at the pilot's end.
Season One: Signs and Portents

I am greatly indebted to, who collected all of Kosh's Season One quotes on his Kosh Quotes page. This extremely useful page also includes notes and hypotheses about Vorlons, though it is somewhat out of date. I used it as the source for the following Season One quotes, though I have changed some of pierce's punctuation and added and removed some notes. Unfortunately, I was unable to contact him for his permission to do this.
Midnight on the Firing Line

[Kosh's encounter suit is empty when Sinclair enters the room; Kosh speaks from behind a barrier. Light is visible near the source of his voice; we assume that the light is Kosh.]
Kosh: Greetings, Commander.
Sinclair: You weren't at the council room earlier. I wanted to make sure that you knew about the emergency session.
Kosh: Yes.
Sinclair: We may need your help to push through sanctions. Does your government have a position on the current situation?
Kosh: <not translated>
Sinclair: Will you attend the emergency meeting?
Kosh: Yes.
[Kosh enters his suit very quickly -- too quickly for Sinclair to turn in time to see him.]
Kosh: They are alone. They are a dying race. We should let them pass.
Sinclair: Who -- the Narn or the Centauri?
Kosh: Yes.
The War Prayer

Sinclair: Ambassador Kosh, I hadn't heard from you, so I thought I'd make sure that you'd been informed. There have been several recent attacks on non-humanoids. We are conducting a thorough investigation and hope to have it wrapped up soon.
Kosh: Good.
Sinclair: Meanwhile, it might be helpful if you spoke with the other ambassadors.
Kosh: We take no interest in the affairs of others.
Sinclair: Well, I hope you'll reconsider. If you could give us a hand, we...
Kosh: Yes?
Sinclair: Nothing. We will respect your wishes. That's quite a viewer. I've never seen anything like it before. What is it?
Kosh: Efficient.
Sinclair: Those are images from my world. If I may ask, what are you...
Kosh: I am studying.
Sinclair: Studying what?
[Kosh's head sinks lower, and he makes a noise like a machine shutting down. The conversation is obviously over.]
Sinclair: Ambassador?

Talia: Ambassador Kosh, is there something I can do for you?
Kosh: I wish to engage your services.
Talia: For what?
Kosh: Business.
Talia: What sort of business?
Kosh: Important.
Talia: Ambassador, I'd be happy to assist you, but there are certain details that I must know before taking any commission, not to mention getting clearance from --
Kosh: All arranged, as is payment. We will meet in Red 3 at the hour of scampering.
Talia: Ambassador Kosh, all of the clearances seem to be in order and the pay is very generous. However, there is something I still don't understand.
Kosh: Understanding is a three-edged sword.
[Enter Abbut]
Abbut: Oh, Kosh, you old dog! You didn't tell me you were bringing a date.
Talia: I'm Talia Winters, licensed commercial telepath, Psi Corps rating P-5. I'll be sitting in on the negotiations on behalf of Ambassador Kosh.
Abbut: Ah. I'm a 23, myself. A good number. Call me Abbut.
Kosh: Please scan Abbut. Report to me his thoughts at present.
Abbut: Oh, goody! Nothing like a good mind scan to clear the old processor.
[Talia scan him, and looks confused]
Kosh: Miss Winters?
Talia: He has no thoughts at all. It's as if his mind were empty.
Kosh: Excellent. We may now begin our business. Abbut?
Abbut: Crab... Nebula...

Kosh: Then the willows must scuttle carefully.
Abbut: Does Saturn have rings?
Kosh: The talks are over for the day. We shall commence again tomorrow at the hour of longing.
Abbut: Suits me.
[Exit Abbut.]
Talia: Ambassador! Ambassador Kosh!
Kosh: There is a question?
Talia: Yes. I've been scanning Mr. Abbut all day, and his mind is still just as empty as when we started. And these phrases that you keep speaking in, they don't make any sense.
Kosh: Ah, you seek meaning. Then listen to the music, not the song.

Talia: Ambassador, I've thought it over, and I don't believe that I can continue with this assignment.
Kosh: Your belief does not enter into it. We have a contract.
Talia: I know that, but you don't really need a telepath.
Kosh: What is need compared to the path?

Abbut: A herring is just a herring, but a good cigar is a Cuban.
Kosh: A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from the bristles. Do you understand, Miss Winters?
[Talia sees images, which frighten her so much that she screams.]
Abbut: You were swell. Maybe we can have that Jovian Sunspot sometime. Kosh, old boy, a pleasure as always. Let's do lunch soon.
[Abbut hands Kosh a data crystal. Exit Abbut.]
Talia: What was he, and what was on that data crystal he gave you?
Kosh: Reflection, surprise, terror. For the future.

[After the destruction of Deathwalker's ship by the Vorlons.]
Sinclair: Why?
Kosh: You are not ready for immortality.


Tharg: The Vorlons are very powerful. If you filed a protest, Commander Sinclair would have to forbid Dr. Franklin from operating on our son.
M'Ola: Will you consider one thing. Please. If it were your child or even you yourself, how would you feel if the doctor of Babylon 5 wanted to perform an unwelcome procedure on you?
Kosh: The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.
Signs and Portents

[To Morden -- we suppose]
Kosh: Leave this place. They are not for you. Go. Leave. Now.

Sinclair: We've confiscated the fake encounter suit. It's a pretty close match to your own, at least from the outside.
Kosh: Why?
Sinclair: Deuce wanted to make people think he had the Vorlons working for him. He figured it would add to his image and intimidate people.
Kosh: Why?
Sinclair: Well, after all, no one knows exactly what you look like. That makes some people a little nervous.
Kosh: Good.

[To Sinclair]
Kosh: And so it begins. You have forgotten something.
Season Two: The Coming of Shadows

I'm not positive that I have all of Season Two collected yet. If you know of a scene in which Kosh speaks which is not included here, please mail me and let me know which episode I need to rewatch.
The Coming of Shadows

Emperor Turhan: How will this end?
Kosh: In fire.
All Alone in the Night

[In Sheridan's dream]
Sheridan: Why are you here?
Kosh: We were never away. For the first time your mind is quiet enough to hear me.
Sheridan: Why am I here?
Kosh: You have always been here.
[In a Babylon 5 hallway, in real life]
Kosh: You have always been here.

Hunter, Prey

Kosh: Why?
Sheridan: You tell me... You're the one popped in my dream. [snip]
Kosh: I sought understanding. I listen to the song. Your thoughts became the song.
Sheridan: Has this ever happened before?
Kosh: Once.
Sheridan: You wanted to see me?
Kosh: You wanted to see me.
Sheridan: Well, I guess everybody does. See what you are, inside that encounter suit.
Kosh: They are not ready. They would not understand.
Sheridan: Am I ready?
Kosh: No. You do not even understand yourself.
Sheridan: Could you help me to understand you?
Kosh: Can you help me to understand you?
Sheridan: Well, I can try. Is that what you want? An exchange of information? I tell you something about me, you tell me something about you?
Kosh: No. You do not understand. Go.
Sheridan: Damnit, what do you want? [speech about Kosh watching him] What do you want?
Kosh: Never ask that question.
Sheridan: At least I got a response out of you. So what'll it be, Ambassador?
Kosh: I will teach you.
Sheridan: About yourself?
Kosh: About you. Until you are ready.
Sheridan: For what?
Kosh: To fight legends.

There All the Honor Lies

Sheridan: Ah, Ambassador Kosh. What can I do for you?
Kosh: The lesson.
Sheridan: Ah, I know. I sort of forgot. Look, it's been kind of a bad day, and I'm not really in the best frame of mind for any lessons just now.
Kosh: Precisely the correct time. Come.
Sheridan: No, you don't understand. I really don't have time for this.
Kosh: Come.
Sheridan: I'm not quite sure I understand what we're doing down here.
Kosh: Good... What is this place?
Sheridan: It's pretty much the worst part of Downbelow. If Garibaldi knew we were down here alone, he'd go right up the flue.
Kosh: There.
Sheridan: What, you want me to go inside, is that it? Why? What's inside there?
Kosh: One moment of perfect beauty.
[Sheridan experiences one moment of perfect beauty.]
Sheridan: I had no idea. No idea at all!
Kosh: Yes.
Sheridan: Thank you.
[Exit Kosh; enter Ivanova.]
Ivanova: Another lesson? What this time?
Sheridan: Beauty. In the dark.
Ivanova: Must be working. You're beginning to talk just like a Vorlon.

In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum

Sheridan: Recognized? By whom?
Kosh: Everyone.
Kosh: Sheridan. Learn.
Delenn: The Icarus. Your wife's ship. Sent to investigate the remains of an ancient race no one has ever heard of.
Kosh: Z'ha'dum.

Kosh: If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die.

Sheridan: You will teach me?
Kosh: Yes.

Comes the Inquisitor

Delenn: Lennier said you were calling for me.
Kosh: Yes.
Delenn: Is there something wrong?
Kosh: You, perhaps. We have sent for an Inquisitor.
Delenn: An Inquisitor. Why?
Kosh: To be sure about you. You will submit to his authority.
Delenn: How will I know who it is?
Kosh: You will know, if you survive.
The Fall of Night

[We finally see what Kosh looks like -- though he never speaks.]
Season Three: The Point of No Return

Matters of Honor

Sheridan: Ambassador, I've been looking for you. Um, last week, after you saved my life, I didn't really get a chance to thank you properly. I've tried to reach you since then, but you haven't answered my calls. Is everything all right?
Kosh: Being seen by so many at once was a great strain. I returned to my ship to rest. You have a question?
Sheridan: Nobody knows it was you. Everyone saw something different, something from the -- the legends of their own world. But it was still a terrible risk. After taking such care to hide what you really are, why take that chance?
Kosh: It was necessary.
Sheridan: [sighs] Well, as answers go, short, to the point, utterly useless, and totally consistent with what I've come to expect from a Vorlon.
Kosh: Good.
Sheridan: You know, I just had a thought. You've been back and forth to your homeworld so many times since you got here -- how do I know you're the same Vorlon? Inside that encounter suit, you could be anyone.
Kosh: I have always been here.
Sheridan: Oh yeah? You said that about me, too.
Kosh: Yes.
Sheridan: I really hate it when you do that.
Kosh: Good.
Passing Through Gethsemane

Ivanova: Ambassador. You wanted to see me?
Kosh: Yes. Formality. Ritual. You should be informed.
Ivanova: Informed of what?
Kosh: Returning.
Dust to Dust

It's unclear at which point the person in G'Kar's vision is really Kosh. In transcribing this conversation, I'm making some assumptions. I could be wrong. By the end, though, it is clearly Kosh.
Kosh:It is enough.
G'Kar: What? Who's there?
Kosh: Just us.
G'Kar: Who are you?
Kosh: I am who I have always been.
[The scene changes, and we see G'Kar's father, hanging on a tree.]
G'Kar: Father.
Kosh/G'Kar's Father: It is too late for me, G'Kar. It is not too late for you. Honor my name. Honor my name.
G'Kar: No.
[The scene goes dark.]
Kosh: We are a dying people, G'Kar. So are the Centauri. [We see him, standing behind G'Kar: an older Narn, not G'Kar's father.] Obsessed with each other's death until death is all we can see and death is all we deserve.
G'Kar: The Centauri started it.
Kosh: And will you continue, until there are no more Narns, and no more Centauri? If both sides are dead, no one will care which side deserves the blame. It no longer matters who started it, G'Kar. It only matters who is suffering.
G'Kar: No. No, I have an obligation to honor my father's name.
Kosh: And how have you chosen to honor that name? What is there left for Narn if all of creation falls around us? There is nothing. No hope, no dream, no future, no life. Unless we turn from the cycle of death toward something greater. If we are a dying people, then let us die with honor, by helping the others as no one else can.
G'Kar: I don't understand.
Kosh: Because you have let them distract you. Blind you with hate. You cannot see the battle for what it is. We are fighting to save one another. We must realize we are not alone. We rise and fall together. And some of us must be sacrificed if all are to be saved. Because if you fail in this then none of us will be saved, and the Narn will be only a memory. [Vanishes.] You have the opportunity here and now to choose, to become something greater and nobler and more difficult than you have been before. The universe does not offer such chances often, G'Kar.
G'Kar: Why now? Why not earlier? All this time, where have you been?
Kosh: I have always been here.
[We see him as G'Lan, as in The Fall of Night. Then he vanishes into light. The vision ends, and we see the real G'Kar, who begins to cry. Behind him, Kosh turns and leaves the room.]
Interludes and Examinations

Sheridan: If you can convince your government to send out an expedition to engage one or two of their [the Shadows'] ships --
Kosh: No.
Sheridan: Alright, I know you can't fight the entire Shadow fleet yourselves, but if you could beat them in just one fight, it could be the break we need to get everyone organized. Then we'd have a real chance. You could do it, couldn't you?
Kosh: Perhaps. But there are still few of us. It is not our time. It is yours. We are not prepared yet.
Sheridan: Don't turn your back on me. Don't you even try to walk away from me. Just who the hell do you think you are? Wait. I know what you think you are, what you want us to believe. But I don't buy it. For three years now you've been pulling everyone's strings, getting us to do all the work and you haven't done a damn thing but stand there and look cryptic. Well, it's about time you started pulling your own weight around here. [An energy surge is noticed in Command and Control.] I hear you've got a saying, "Understanding is a three-edged sword." Well we've got a saying too. "Put your money where your mouth is."
Kosh: Impudent.
Sheridan: Yeah? Well maybe that's the only way to get through to you. You said you wanted to teach me to fight legends. Well you're a legend too and I am not going away until you agree.
Kosh: Incorrect. [Sheridan is hit with a white shock of energy.] Leave. Now.
Sheridan: No.
Kosh: Disobedient.
Sheridan: Up yours. [A second shock of energy, which cuts Sheridan's cheek; there is a little blood.] So, the real Kosh shows his colors at last, eh? You angry now? Angry enough to kill me? Because that's the only way I'm leaving. Unless your people get off their encounter-suited butts and do something. I've got nothing to lose! Hell, my own government wants to kill me, and if we lose this war I'm just as dead. Our only chance is to get the other races on board for this fight, and right now you're the key to doing that.
Kosh: It is not yet time.
Sheridan: Then who decides that time? You? You've put me in this position, you ordered me to fight this damn war! Well, it's about time you let me fight it my way. How many people have already died fighting this war of yours, huh? How many more will die before you come down off that mountain and get involved? Ships, colonies, whole worlds are being destroyed out there, and you do nothing. How many more, Kosh, how many more dead before you're satisfied? [Sheridan is lifted by an invisible force and pinned to the wall, Darth Vader-style.] Go ahead -- maybe one more death will balance out the books. Go on -- get it over with. Save us both the trouble later.
[Kosh releases him.]
Kosh: I will do as you ask. But there is a price to pay. I will not be there to help you when you go to Z'ha'dum.
Sheridan: Yeah, you already said, if I go to Z'ha'dum, I'll die.
Kosh: Yes. Now.
Sheridan: Alright. If that's the tradeoff, if you want to withhold your help when the time comes, that's fine. I'll go it alone.
Kosh: You do not understand. But you will.
[Sheridan is asleep. In his dream, he sees his father, whom we later realize is actually Kosh. While he dreams, three Shadows enter Kosh's chambers, with Morden's help, and attack the Vorlon.]
Kosh: John... Johnny...
Sheridan: Dad?
Kosh: I don't have much time, son. [Flash to Kosh's quarters, where we see vague images of a battle.] I want you to know you were right. I didn't want to admit that. Just pride I guess. You get my age, you get kinda set in your ways. It had to be done. Don't blame yourself for what happened later. [Flash to battle; in Sheridan's dream, Kosh shows pain.]
Sheridan: Dad, are you -- you all right?
Kosh: It's too late for me. I'm sorry for what I did before. I knew what was ahead. I guess -- I guess I was afraid. When you've lived as long as I have, you -- you get kinda used to it. Ah! [He shows more pain.] I wish I could have done more for you. There's so much I should have said, and now it's too late.
[Sheridan doesn't actually say anything, but is clearly showing disbelief.]
Kosh: You're right. It's time you begin fighting this war your way. [Flash to battle; Kosh shows more pain.] I've got to go now, John.
Sheridan: No, no, don't -- don't leave.
Kosh: It's -- it's all right, son. See, as long as you're here, I'll always be here.
[Final flash to battle and Kosh's death. Sheridan wakes and sits up in bed.]
Sheridan: Kosh! Kosh!

Sheridan's dream scene transcribed by Dan Thompson. Many thanks, Dan.


Sheridan: Your government neglected to tell me your name. How should I refer to you when we're alone?
Kosh: Kosh.
Sheridan: Ah, yes, I understand that's how we're to refer to you publicly, but privately?
Kosh: Kosh.
Ivanova: Ambassador Kosh is... dead.
Kosh: We are all Kosh.
Sheridan: Well, he's a Vorlon, all right.
Ivanova: Yep.
On the wall of Kosh's quarters, we see the imprints of his predecessor's final battle. The scene changes; the Ambassador is in the hall, waiting for Lyta.
Lyta: I'd heard you arrived. I was just coming to see you.
Kosh: ["Grabs" Lyta's throat as the previous Kosh once grabbed Sheridan's.] Where?
Lyta: I'm sorry. I wasn't here. I was doing what he told me to do. He wasn't with me when I left. Not even a piece of him. I swear!
Kosh: [Releases her.] Failed. Gone.
Lyta: I know. I'm sorry. It's my fault.
Kosh: There was no other?
Lyta: No. Not that I knew of. I'm sorry. He's gone.
Kosh: Follow.

Sheridan/Kosh: Is there a problem?
Lyta: What?
Sheridan: I said, is there a problem?

[After the first direct defeat of the Shadows.]
Sheridan/Kosh: And so it begins.


Kosh: Jump. Jump now.
Season Five: The Wheel of Fire

Day of the Dead

Kosh: When the long night comes, return to the end of the beginning.

Related Links

The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
Vorlon Home Page
Kosh Quotes (Season One only)
Ask Kosh
Maintained by Jessica Perry Hekman ( Please send me comments and suggestions.