Friday, June 27, 2014

london recomendations

Tea place (near Hammersmith on the circle/district line I think)- small, very cute place, kind of out of the way, but if you’re in the area, I suggest you stop by!

borough market (outdoor food market)
-have to try which I think is a Welsh cheese (usually I grab a loaf of bread from the baked goods section and just eat it with it)
-cheese sandwiches really good toasted cheese sandwiches (SERIOUSLY HAVE TO TRY THIS)
-really good Turkish delight
-mushroom pate (if you like mushrooms)
-if you have any friends who are coffee fans, try Monmouth Coffee

Fish and Chips
-North Sea Fish restaurant (there’s a sit down, and there’s a “to go” section which just wraps your fish in basically newspaper

Szechuan (spicy) food
-Chili cool I suggest you order (if you’re brave enough)
Sliced fish in homemade twin chilli sauce
Hot & chilli crispy pork intestine

Chinese food
Four Seasons (in Chinatown)
-there are two locations, one on the brighter strip near an HSBC, that one is better I think… MUST order the peking duck (and crispy noodles if you like that)

Malaysian food I’ve never been, but I have heard from my Malaysian friends that this place is really good

The one by the museum is better than the one in soho I think... But the line might be long!

Fleet river bakery is pretty good too if you're in the area for lunch

Veeraswamy is good. I haven't had too much Indian food in London (not a fan of whatever region is popular in London as it's usually too sweet for me... Most Kormas contain currants or shredded coconuts which I hate, from what I noticed). I remember liking this place though (very good lamb shank). Can't promise it's by touristy though, you decide...

I'll send more as they come to mind if you don't mind random floods of emails! Most of these are centered around the areas I used to hang out at a lot. There's also a really good Japanese restaurant in soho near whole foods that I have yet to think of the name of..

Near centre point (off of oxford I think) there's a small cluster of Korean restaurants. Asa is good, and Seoul bakery is this little hole in the wall, nothing fancy, but strangely it's my favorite place for bibimbap.

Try to get some Aspall's cider. Most pubs should carry it.

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