Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Expected Outcomes - 001 - bullied kids + guns = mass shootings

Expected Outcomes - 001 - bullied kids + guns = mass shootings

IN RE kara's comment about fist fights ....
is it possible that we are seeing the simplest of recipes finally completed?

take one part completely ignoring bullying in schools
stir in 50 states with concealed carry permits and no guns laws
bake until bullied kid snaps
school shootings

As a kid who was mercilessly bullied all through grade school, I can speak for all the kids who were ever bullied,
On any given day, we were one inch away from going postal.

If my parents had owned a gun, and if they had pushed me one more inch.

Nope, none of this is a surprise.

School shootings are an expected outcome of:

I expect to see a LOT more of this, as more and more bullied kids read these stories and start putting 1 and 1 together!

FUCKING SAD, but expected outcome.

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